
(Nandana) #1


december 2018 / january 2019

Full Boat Pose
Keep holding your left foot with your left hand.
Reach your right hand to your right foot. Extend
both legs while holding your big toes. Flex your
feet, and pull your navel toward your spine. Roll
your shoulders back, and aim your heart
upward. Pause for 3 breaths to find stability.
Release your legs and feet, and lower down to a
Hollow Hold: Zip your thighs together and
activate your feet. Keep your shoulders lifted.
Press your navel toward your spine to ground
your low back to the mat. For more of a
challenge, take your arms overhead. Hold onto
your legs if you feel your shoulders and head
drooping, your hip flexors over-engaging, or if
your core needs help maintaining the integrity
of the posture.Repeat poses 6–12 on the other

12 UTKATASANA Chair Pose
Full Boat Pose
From Boat Pose, hug your knees into your
chest, and gently rock up and down the length
of your spine from tail to head. After a few initial
rocks, try to gain enough momentum to plant
your feet flat on the mat, sweep your biceps by
your ears, and shift your weight back into your
heels while sitting your hips toward knee level.
Draw your navel back toward your spine, and
knit your bottom ribs together. Stay here for
3–5 breaths.

14 BALASANA Child’s Pose
From Downward-Facing Dog, roll forward to
High Plank. Lower your knees down to the
ground, separating them wider than hip width.
Feel free to wiggle around as needed to find the
distance between your knees that best supports
your body (which may be no distance at all).
Allow your forehead to find the mat as you
crawl your hands toward the top of it. Use the
pressure of your palms against the earth to sink
your hips closer to your heels. Stay here for at
least a minute.

15 HALASANA Plow Pose
From Child’s Pose, roll up to kneeling and swing
your feet around in front of you. Slowly lower
down to your back. Using more core than
momentum, put your hands and shoulders on
the ground, and lift your legs up and overhead.
To intensify the hamstring stretch, tuck your
toes on the ground behind you, and play with
bending and straightening your knees. If your
hamstrings feel tight or tense, keep your knees
bent. On an exhalation, pull your navel back,
and deepen the compression of your front
body. Hold for 3 breaths.

16 SAVASANA Corpse Pose
Slowly lower your spine back to the mat,
followed by your legs. Allow your legs to spread
out wide to the edges of your mat, and let your
palms rest face up on the floor by your hips. Close
your eyes, unfurrow your brow, and unclench
your jaw. Trust that all the strength and support
you cultivated in your practice will resonate in
your heart and mind. Right now, let go of the
need to control or manipulate the experience of
your stillness. Simply let go and just be. Stay here
for at least 5 minutes.

13 KAKASANA Crow Pose
Keeping your knees bent, plant your palms 6–12
inches in front of your feet. Shift your weight
forward into your palms and finger pads, lift your
heels off the ground, and put a soft bend in your
elbows. On an exhalation, nestle your knees to
your outer armpits, and hug your knees, elbows,
and core toward your midline. On an inhalation,
lift one big toe off the mat and then the other.
When you start to feel confident enough to lift
both feet off the mat, draw your big toes together
and your heels closer to your glutes. Hold for 5
breaths, then step your feet back to Plank Pose or
float your feet back to Chaturanga and move
through your variation of a vinyasa.

Teacher and model Kristin Calabria is a Los Angeles-based yoga and fitness instructor currently pursuing her master’s in social work.
Learn more at

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