
(Nandana) #1


december 2018 / january 2019

In shamanic teachings, every spiritual act
we perform is a ceremony. When we recognize
the sacredness of eachmoment, miracles
happen. During the early 1980s, as I explored
the many facets of shamanism, I was drawn to
creating shamanic ceremonies to heal my past
and to manifest what my soul desired.
Creating sacred ceremonies during seasonal
and lunar transitions helps us navigate changes
within and without. It is important to celebrate
the sunrise, sunset, new and full moon, and
seasonal changes as connected rather than sep-
arate. When we observe changes in the quality
of light between the sunrise and sunset, or the
changing phases of the moon and seasons, we
reconnect to a sense of organic flow—how all
life experiences arewoven together.Here are
some simple practices to get you started:

Connect with nature’s flow
Stand in nature. Close your eyes, and notice
in your body how everything is moving and
When I was growing up, I used to watch
cartoons of the sun, trees, and plants singing
and dancing gracefully. This is actually what
occurs in nature. Every season, lunar cycle,
and transition is part of a great flow. Feel this
flow as you rock back and forth and from side
to side.
Once you enter this state, you can join
the flow of life rather than trying to control
it. Nature’s flow cannot be controlled. Once
you learn how to surrender and move with
it—when you walk with the flow of life instead
of against it—health returns on all levels.
Bringing a ceremonial frame of mind to your
time in nature infuses the simplest acts with

Observe the seasons
No matter where you live, you experience the
four phases of the changing seasons. You can
observe alterations in the landscape, migration
patterns of birds, and appearances of certain
animals. Witness the death of older life forms
in autumn and winter giving rise to new plants,

trees, flowers, and baby beings in spring and
Become attuned to times of the year when
nature is more expansive and expressive
and times when growth around us slows
down—when nature lets go of the old and
turns within for regeneration. Discover how
the light changes at these different times of the
year. Notice how the texture and quality of the
air feel different as the seasons flow into one
another. This will help you to reflect on your
personal cycles so you can align with seasonal
changes, within and without.
During seasonal changes, bring your
ceremonial work to your favorite place, and
sing, write letters to the earth, and receive
messages of deep wisdom. For example, if you
live near an ocean, try performing a ceremony
on the shore. The ocean is a powerful source
of love and wisdom. There is so much to learn
by watching the ocean, listening to the sound
of the waves, smelling the salt in the air, and
feeling the humidity. Standing with bare feet on
the sand while performing a ceremony in which
people sing to the ocean, talk to it, and listen for
messages is heartwarming and inspiring.

Honor the cycles of the moon
As the moon transitions from newness to
fullness, become aware of how this cycle
deeply affects you physically and emotionally.
Our bodies are mostly water. Just as the lunar
phases change the tides, you can feel changes
happening inside of you.
When you tune in to the phases of the
moon, you may notice that during certain times
your creativity and activities are better support-
ed. We are all unique beings, and your cycles
may be different from anyone else’s. Be open
to discovery as you explore how the phases of
the moon support your needs.
The new moon is a time of beginnings. It is
a time to experience rebirth and begin working
on new endeavors such as welcoming a new
relationship, starting a project or job, or moving
into a new home. Imagine yourself looking up at
the night sky and seeing the sliver of the new
moon. Feel the strength of rebirth.

As the moon

transitions from

newness to

fullness, become

aware of how

this cycle deeply

impacts you

physically and


Our bodies are

mostly water.

Just as the lunar

phases change

the tides, you can

feel changes


inside of you.

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