
(Nandana) #1


december 2018 / january 2019


Stack 2 or 3 folded blankets vertically at the center of your mat. You may wish
to place a soft bolster or pillow on top of them. Sit on the mat in front of your
blankets, and place a block beneath each knee (horizontally) with a rolled-up
blanket on top for additional support. Rest the backs of your heels on your mat,
and lie down slowly. If needed, place a folded towel beneath your head for
support with a rolled towel cradling your neck’s natural curve. Bring your palms
to your sides, rest your hands on your belly with your elbows on the ground,
or place pillows under your arms. Once you’re comfortable, take several long
breaths to progressively release all of your body weight into the blankets. Relax
here. For the last minute of the pose, bring your hands to your belly, and feel
your palms receive your breath. Imagine your breath unraveling any lingering
knots. To exit, mindfully roll to your side. Take the time to get into a comfortable
seated position, then set an intention to stay aware of your breath.

The benefitsBreathing is not something we need to accomplish. It is
simply a process we allow to happen. This pose creates optimal alignment
for experiencing the natural rise and fall of the breath. Notice that after an
exhalation, your lungs spontaneously fill again with air. The breath is simply
waiting for more room so that it can fill you. Focusing on your breath helps
you stay grounded in the present moment. If you want to develop a sense
of well-being and move your body into health and healing mode, you need to
quiet your racing mind and come back to the present moment. As we practice
staying with the breath in this pose, we learn how to be with the present
moment rather than fight against it, avoid it, or simply miss it altogether.

Journal prompts

What helps you feel

more present?

When you realise you are

distracted, what do you find

yourself doing? Where does
your mind wander?

Fill in the blank. Today, to help
myself feel present
and calm more often,
I will_____
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