Handwoven – September 2019

(lily) #1

Leaving a weft tail 2 yd long for hemstitching, start Towel
1 by weaving 8 picks of Unbleached in plain weave. Use
the tail to hemstitch in groups of 6 warp ends. There will be 3
bundles with 7 warp ends—locate those bundles in the center
Unbleached section of the warp so that red and blue threads
are bundled together.

Weave following the draft in Figure 2 and the weft color
order in Figure 3 for about 30". Cut the weft, leaving a 2-
yd tail, and hemstitch as you did in the beginning.

Weave with scrap yarn or weave in 4 cardboard strips
to allow for 8" of fringe between towels. If you use
cardboard strips, weave an additional 2 picks with scrap yarn
for a header for Towel 2. Change your tie-up as shown in the
draft for Towel 2.

Begin weaving Towel 2 following the draft in Figure 2
and the weft color order in Figure 3 for about 30".
Note: When you are weaving the center section, complete a
full repeat before starting the second striped area. The fi rst
red stripe should start on treadle 3. Weave several picks of
scrap yarn to protect the weft.

Leaving at least 8" for fringe on each end of the plain-
weave towel, cut the fabric from the loom. Zigzag stitch on
both ends of Towel 2. Cut the towels apart, again making sure to
leave at least 8" of fringe for Towel 1. Trim the fringe ends to 7".

Lattice fringe: Using sewing pins with large heads,
secure one end of Towel 1 to a fi rm but porous base
that you can stick pins into such as a blocking mat, a large
piece of Styrofoam, or a thick piece of cardboard.
Straighten the end as much as possible. Move the fringe so
it is out of the way, measure 1" from the base of the towel,
and mark that distance with pins spaced ¼" apart. Christina
did this in 2" sections, moving her pins as she fi nished knot-
ting each section.

Starting from the left side, take the first hemstitched
bundle and put it aside. Take the second bundle
and split it into 2 groups of 3 threads. Take one of these
groups and bring it together with the first bundle to cre-
ate a bundle of 9 threads. Use this bundle and start to tie
an overhand knot very loosely so there’s a large opening.
Slip the open knot over the head of the pin 1" from the
edge of the towel. Gently tighten the knot so it ends up
snug at the base of the pin, adjusting as needed to make
sure your threads are taut and even. Split the third bundle
of threads in half as you did for the second hemstitched
bundle. Combine the remaining 3 threads from the sec-
ond bundle with 3 threads from the third bundle and knot
as you did before. Continue knotting with bundles of 6
threads split between 2 hemstitched bundles for the
width of the towel, moving pins as needed. The final knot
will have 9 ends just like the first one.

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