Dig Into History

(Martin Jones) #1


ccording to Islamic
beliefs, Prophet
Muhammad was born
in 570C.E. (see image at right),
in the city of Mecca (also spelled
Makkah) in the Arabian
Peninsula. He died in the city of
Medina (also spelled Madinah)
in 632. Although remote and
surrounded by desert, both cities
lay on important trade routes
between the Indian Ocean and
the Mediterranean Sea. Arabic-
speaking merchant caravans
crisscrossed these routes carrying
precious goods imported from
Indian Ocean ports, such as
incense, spices, and silks. The
goods arrived in ships that were
carried to southern Arabia by
the monsoon winds. These
luxury goods were in high

demand in the lands on the
Mediterranean coast that were
part of the Byzantine Empire.
In direct competition with
the Byzantines were traders
from the neighboring Sassanian
Empire. Both empires had
interests on the edges of the
Arabian Peninsula. Neither,
however, carried out much

trade in or had much influence
on communities in the harsh
interior. Rather, they had to rely
on Arab trading caravans.
The rise and spread of Islam
during and after the life of
Muhammad began with the
message that Muslims believe
was revealed by the angel
Gabriel to Muhammad from

by Susan Douglass

This 16th-century painting
illustrates the birth of the Prophet
Muhammad. His followers, Muslims,
do not ever draw his face — hence,
the veil covering his face.





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