Andrew Evanson, senior operations manager of
Lancaster Insurance, reveals the benefits.
‘The MPS is not your average repmobile. The
extremely subtle body hides what is a rather effective
Q-car, making it attractive to many enthusiasts. With
256bhp available and a 0-60mph sprint of around
6.4secs it’s no slouch and certainty a modern classic.’
Call 01480 587018 or visit
owingto prematurefailureof
ex pensiveOEMparts.
Body& Structure
Makeno mistake,thisis the 6
MPS’sAchillesheel.Likeall its
Mazdacontemporaries,the 6
MPS leftthefactorywithouta
ar oundthesill jackingpointsis
co mmon,especiallyat therear.
Ar chesalsobubblewherethe
re ar bumpermeetsthearch
- an d thebodykit andrear
la mpsare uniqueto theMPS.
Br akesandSteering
Charlie told us that he’d never
encountered issues with either
- but forums have complained
about front calipers wearing
out early due to the badly
designed brackets, with the
calipers themselves being
unique to the 6 MPS. Steering
is by standard 6 rack but with
the assistance turned down;
get a leak and you have to buy
a replacement cooler as well.
Calipers and PAS pipes/
coolers are expensive, so check
thoroughly when you’re sizing
up a potential purchase.
Interior& Trim
The old adage of checking
that everything works applies
here, as ever. ‘While they’re
dated inside by modern
standards, fittings and fixtures
hold up,’ confirmed Charlie.
Online chatter hasn’t been so
kind about the air conditioning,
however. Most cars will be
fitted with uprated foam
coated pipes to stop them
rubbing through; if your car
hasn’t, the pipe can fracture
and the refrigerant will escape.
Peak power
5500, torque
topsat 3000.
Three letters
that spell
If it pops out
of 2nd, pop
Mazda, kings
of the seized
brake caliper.