Modern Classics Magazine – September 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



Tales of running modern classics in the real world

JJ’s‘Roccofinallyreturnsto theroad,butit didn’tyieldwithouta fight

ha s beena troubledone.
It ’s tested me on more
occasions that I care to
recall. The standout kicks in
the crotch include – but are not limited to

  • dropping fifth gear onto the A2 on the way
    back from a trackday at Lidden Hill. Then
    there was the time the passenger window
    refused to close on a very chilly January trip
    down the A1 to the Ace Café.
    There have been some great moments
    too, like dicing with much more powerful
    stuff at the sadly now closed Rockingham
    Speedway for another trackday and a few
    glorious B-road blasts during its all-too brief
    spells of reliability. More recently however, it
    simply sat in a barn gathering dust. That was
    until last year when John Grogan and his
    team at VAG specialist VRT in Slough set
    about undoing the Scirocco’s many wrongs.
    The last time my Karmann-built coupe
    graced these pages it was nearing MoT test
    readiness.Theto do listhadshrunkfroma
    mi ghtytwopagesof A4 downto justa few
    oddsandendsto tie up, thoughthe
    upgradedfrontbrakesfroma GolfVR6
    were causingno endof headaches.
    br acketsusedto fit thisbig-brakeupgrade
    ha d clearlyneverseena Scirocco,never
    mi ndtakenanymeasurements.Theinside
    ed geof thebracketswereso far out that
    th eyactuallyhit thediscs.To makematters
    worsethepistonsin thecaliperswouldn’t

budge. A pair of newcalipersanda callto a
lo cal machine shopmeantthattheStorm
was once again ableto stopon command.
Next, the VRT boysturnedto the
decidedly sorry-lookingrearbeamaxle.
Th ere was plentyof surfacecorrosion
ev ident but that’sto be expectedfora car
th at’sseen35 UK winters.Oneof theanti-
rollbar clampshadn’tfaredquiteso well,
ho wever.It hadrustedthroughandallowed
th e roll-barto flexfreely.A newclampand
ru bberbushsortedthisout but fearingthe
worst,I askedJohnto checkthebeam
bushestoo.Theseold A1 chassisVWs
(S cirocco,GolfMkI,Caddyetc.)havetwo
la rgebushesat eithersideof therearbeam
an d afterthreedecadesof usethey’re
us uallyshot.Thankfullyminewereok as
ge ttingthemout usuallyinvolvesa
bl owtorchor a hammeranda lot of mess
Th erewerea fewmorelittlejobsto do
be foretheall-importantMoTtestwas
so ught.Somewasherson thefuelunions
jo iningthelinesto thefuelpumpwere
re placedto curea slightfuelleakanda set of
ne w springswereaddedto therearbrake
sh oesto returnthemto topform.A full
se rvicelaterandthe‘Roccowasreadyto
ta keto theteststation.However,trueto
fo rm– andto provethatit didn’tjustrefuse
to behaveforme – whenJohntriedto drive

It ’s a goodjobits pretty.
JJ ’s Stormis brought
backto lifeby VRT.

Johnat VRT
gi vesJJ the
bad news...

Theold roll


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