The Week USA - August 24, 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

8 NEWS The world at a glance ...

Silva: In costume

Taking protesters’ baby: Russian authorities are seeking to strip
a mother and father of their parental rights because the couple
took their 1-year-old son to an unauthorized anti-Kremlin protest
in Moscow last month. Prosecutors say the couple endangered
the baby’s “health and life” by letting another person hold him at
the rally. The couple, Dmitry and Olga Prokazov, said they hadn’t
even been protesting but had simply stumbled across the demon-
stration, and that the man who held their child was Olga’s cousin.
By threatening parents, the Kremlin may hope to dissuade people
from demonstrating against the rigging of September’s Moscow
City Council election, from which all opposition candidates have
been barred. Prosecutors said they are also investigating other
adults with small children who attended recent protests.

Rio de Janeiro
Gang leader’s disguise: A Brazilian
gang leader who tried to escape
from prison by impersonating his
19-year-old daughter has been found dead by
suspected suicide in his cell. Clauvino da Silva,
42, staged the attempted jailbreak during a
visit by his daughter; as she sat in his cell, he
walked out wearing a pink T-shirt, black wig,
and elaborate latex mask. But guards saw through the disguise,
and Silva—who was serving a 73-year sentence—was made to
strip down in front of cameras before being placed in solitary
confinement. Authorities said he hanged himself with bedsheets
soon after. His daughter, Ana Gabriele, and eight other visitors are
being questioned for their part in the botched escape. Among the
suspected accomplices: a pregnant woman who authorities think
may have smuggled the mask into the prison under her belly.

Amazon cover-up: Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has fired
the head of a government agency that reported a huge increase
in deforestation in the Amazon rain forest. Satellite data from
Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) found that
some 1,814 square miles of rain forest were destroyed in the first
seven months of the year, nearly 40 percent more than during the
same period in 2018. Bolsonaro,
who took office in January pledg-
ing to open the Amazon to indus-
try, claimed in a press conference
that the agency had used false
figures with the aim of “harming
the name of Brazil and its govern-
ment.” Ricardo Magnus Osório
Galvão, the respected physicist
who led the INPE, was ousted the
next day.

Total U.S. embargo: The Trump administration imposed
sweeping new sanctions on Venezuela this week, mea-
sures that the leftist regime of President Nicolás Maduro
denounced as “arbitrary economic terrorism against the
Venezuelan people.” The order signed by President Trump
freezes the Venezuelan government’s property and assets
in the U.S. and bars transactions with the authoritarian
regime. The new sanctions apply to all individuals, com-
panies, and countries that do business with Venezuela—
including Russia and China. America will use “every tool to end
the Maduro dictatorship in Venezuela,” said national security
adviser John Bolton. Only North Korea, Iran, Syria, and Cuba
have been sanctioned so extensively by the U.S.

Frankfurt, Germany
Migrant murder: An Eritrean-born man is being investi-
gated for murder after he allegedly pushed a German child and
his mother in front of a train at Frankfurt’s main station. The
mother rolled to safety, but the 8-year-old boy was killed instantly.
The suspect, 40-year-old Habte Araya, settled in neighboring
Switzerland in 2006. Authorities there said he was a model immi-
grant until a few months ago, when he began hearing voices and
acting violent. The far-right Alternative for Germany party (AfD)
said the attack showed the need for tougher immigration policies.
“There are no border controls,” said AfD co-leader Alice Weidel.
Days later, some 50 members of the extremist group Brotherhood
Germany tried to protest the murder by storming a Düsseldorf
swimming pool used by migrants, but were blocked by police.

Horror at the Tate: A British teenager was
arrested this week for allegedly hurling a
French child off the 10th-floor viewing
platform at London’s Tate Modern art
gallery. The 6-year-old victim fell 100 feet
to the gallery’s fifth-floor roof and is in
critical condition with injuries to his
brain and fractures to his arms, legs,
and spine. Witnesses heard the boy’s
mother crying “My son, oh my son”
after the attack. The alleged 17-year-old perpetrator—who hasn’t
been named—had been following families around the viewing
platform and “acting weirdly” before the incident, said gallerygoer
Nancy Barnfield. Bystanders held down the suspect until police
arrived. The attack is similar to one in April, when a man threw a
child off a third-floor balcony in Minnesota’s Mall of America.


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Denouncing the sanctions

Site of the attack

Cutting down the rain forest

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