Illustration by
John Mavroudis
for TIME
2 | From the Editor
4 | For the Record
The Brief
News from the U.S.
and around the world
7 | Narendra Modi
plays with fire in
9 | New freedoms
for women in
Saudi Arabia raise
10 | The stigma of
flying in Europe
11 | Milestones:
D.A. Pennebaker
12 | TIME with...
actor Jake
14 | Glacial melt in
The View
Ideas, opinion,
17 | Brittany
Packnett on
Ferguson, five years
18 | Plan better for
19 | Ian Bremmer on
the escalating U.S.-
China trade war
19 | Making middle
school bearable
Time Off
What to watch, read,
see and do
49 | Dating for
all ages
52 | Television:
growing up in
David Makes
Man; Season 2 of
Succession; the
cost of conflict in
Our Boys
54 | Movies: a
rapper’s ordeal in
Free Meek; China’s
One Child Nation;
shaggy wisdom in
The Art of Racing in
the Rain
56 | 7 Questions for
author Ibram X.
American Terror
How the nation failed to
reckon with the growing
threat of white nationalism
By Vera Bergengruen and
W.J. Hennigan 20
Viewpoints: Bill Clinton,
Jon Meacham, Julissa Arce,
Rod Rosenstein, David French,
Jessica Gold and Megan Ranney
Seeking Justice
Three journalists were killed in
Africa while reporting on Russian
mercenaries. A year later, their
families press for the truth
By Irina Gordienko 36
Moral Visionary
Honoring the legacy of
Toni Morrison
By Tayari Jones 40
VOL. 194, NO. 6 | 2019
Morrison visits
the University of
Mississippi in 1985
for a conference on
William Faulkner
Photograph by
William R. Ferris
Chapel Hill
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