National Geographic USA - August 2017

(Jeff_L) #1


The Only God

Atop a van in Tokyo,
Jesus Matayoshi deliv-
ers a fiery sermon as
part of his campaign for
a seat in the House of
Councillors, instructing
opponents to commit
suicide and threatening
hellfire upon transgres-
sors. During two weeks
of campaigning in
2016—he’s run in many
elections over the past
two decades—he drove
around Tokyo, spread-
ing his message. Many
people ignored him,
but he did garner 6,114
votes. Mitsuo Matayoshi
was born in Okinawa in

  1. In 1997 he founded
    the World Economic
    Community Party,
    which bases its policies
    on his identity as Jesus
    Christ reborn. Jesus
    Matayoshi says his goal
    is to bring about the End
    of Days via the demo-
    cratic political process,
    eventually occupying
    the post of United Na-
    tions secretary-general
    and instituting the will
    of God on Earth.

Jonas Bendiksenís book
The Last Testament will be
published in September
2017 by Aperture/GOST.
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