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BEAUTY``````that will guide me through my session. It politely requestsa photo and asks questions for a skin assessment; then atailored 20-minute protocol arrives via Bluetooth to theMMSphere—either a single wavelength or a sequentialmix that can include blue, red, green, and amber light.(There are few studies associ-ated with the efects of greenlight, so Marmur plans to con-duct her own trials; apart fromskin beneits, some research sug-gests migraine relief.) The LEDdevice also syncs up with threenew serums and next-gen hydro-gel sheet masks that span fore-head to décolleté from MarmurMetamorphosis, the dermatolo-gist’s debut product line. Alongwith skin-smart probiotics and anti-inlammatory botan-icals, the formulas include a photodynamic blue-greenalgae enzyme, for example, that is said to assist DNA re-pair when activated by red and blue light.While there is concern among some beauty expertsabout the blue light emanating from all our other devices(smartphones and the like), Marmur herself considersthe risk of such exposure low. The value of multitasking,meanwhile, is high: Equipped with a magnetic docking sta-tion for your phone, the MMSphere lets you plow throughemails or articles (or, in my case, try out a long-neglectedmeditation app) during LED sessions. Over the few weeks’testing, it’s hard to say what has shifted my mood and ap-plied the subtlest of real-world ilters to my complexion. Isit the indulgently sized masks, the carefully guided breathwork, or that womblike red glow? Either way, I’m ready tostep into the light.—LAURA REGENSDORFIt’s hard to say what hasshifted my mood andapplied the subtlest ofreal-world filters to mycomplexion. Is it thatwomblike red glow?AS THE ANCIENT GREEKS TOLD IT,there once stood a fragrant gardennestled near the Atlas mountains,where nymphs danced under thegoddess Hera’s trees of goldenapples—fruit of immortality. Thissummer, that mythical land is onestep closer, with Diptyque’s newLe Jardin des Hespérides floral mask.The two-step treatment first calls fora coat of plumping serum infusedwith hibiscus and wild-pansy extracts.Next comes the Bloom-in-Mask, anovel paperlike design that featurespressed chamomile and rose petals.Applied to the skin, the layer helpsseal in hydration for a morning-deweffect. It’s a double tap–worthy takeon classical lore—and one that wouldsurely send the deities singing.—Z.R.Flower DeliveryOPHELIA X/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES PLUSVVLIFEBEFORE``````AFTERYOU WON’TBELIEVEYOUR EYES.THREE REASONSTO TRY LUMIFY:WORKS IN 1 MINUTE,LASTS UP TO 8 HOURS``````NO BLEACH OR DYES``````HELPS REVEAL YOUR EYES’NATURAL RADIANCE``````Images representative of clinical trialresults, actual results may vary.321Find itin theeye careaisle.``````FDA APPROVED. USE AS DIRECTED.NEW!INTRODUCING LUMIFY

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