Rethinking Homeby Jessica Kerwin JenkinsThe decision to move to Maine, which I did in 2009,was made at least partly for the benefit of living inharmony with nature and raising my future children ina not entirely frenetic world. My husband and I boughtan 1840s farmhouse so close to the coast that we couldsee the light on the waves twinkle through the treesand set about making the most of the old-school re-sources around us: planting a decent vegetable garden,marveling at our hive full of bees, and congratulatingourselves on our growing compost heap.There was one small problem in this effortful yetcharmed existence: winter, which in Maine lasts for agood seven months. I grew up in Chicago and spentyears living in New York, so I assumed that I under-stood frigid weather. Rural winters at this northernlatitude, however, are another story.The breeze blowing off the water from a strongwind sent shivers through the curtains and up ourspines, and the floorboards were pure ice underfoot.I piled on the sweaters that first year, and even sleptonce or twice in a wool hat. I learned that this waspar for the course when a neighborâs daughter toldme that when she was a small child, she awoke onemorning to find that her teddy bear was stuck frozento the wall on an especially bitter night in her parentsâancient farmhouse.``````WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO EXISTIN A MORE SUSTAINABLE WAY?THREE WRITERS DESCRIBE MAKINGCHANGESâBIG AND SMALL.PHOTOGRAPHED BY ALEX PRAGER.