Pick Me Up! Special – September 2019

(ff) #1
All our belongings
had turned to ash



It really could have
been so much worse

the birth of Minnie.
It was our special place, and we’d
always felt safe there.
Now to watch it transform into an
empty shell was heartbreaking.
The fire service arrived quickly
and extinguished the blaze within a
matter of minutes.
But I knew immediately that the
smoke damage would be massive.
Just from the quick glance I’d got
opening the door, the kitchen looked
to be far beyond repair.
‘Thank you so much,’ I said
weakly to the officers.
But inside, all I could think about
was what was waiting for me and
the kids inside my precious house.
The next few days flew by in a
hellish blur and we immediately
moved in with my parents.
When I was allowed back in to
my house, I was in shock.
‘Oh my god,’ I gasped, taking in

the damaged,
blackened sight.
I couldn’t
believe my eyes.
What we were
going to do?
It was like
something out of a
nightmare - our
warm, cosy home
covered in ash.
The children’s
toys lay around,
broken and
blackened – barely
anything had escaped unscathed.
As I’d expected, my kitchen was
completely destroyed in the fire.
Tears filled my eyes as I looked
around, taking in the damage.
It didn’t look anything like my
beautiful family home.
For the millionth time since it had
happened, I wondered how on earth
I’d pay for it all.
How would we survive?
After I’d had a chance to poke
around by myself and come to terms
with it, I brought Missy in to take a
look at the mess.
‘You should see the house for
yourself,’ I said gently to her.
‘I can’t believe it!’ she said
tearfully, staring at the ruins.
I wrapped an arm around her as
we stood in the living room.
I didn’t want to scare her, but I
wanted her to see the extent of the

carnage so she understood why we
couldn’t go home again.
‘We were very lucky to all get out
unharmed,’ I said softly as she
stared at the sooty carpet.
Eventually, she nodded at me.
‘I know,’ she said.
Six months passed before we got
our new house nearby.
I found the company that
produced the damaging tumble
dryer, Whirlpool.
And, although I fought, they
refused to accept any liability or pay
any compensation for our loss.
Starting afresh has left us barely
able to make ends meet.
We’ve all accepted that we’ll

have to live a very basic life for
the near future.
Some days I still can’t believe
what happened and all that we lost.
I have to drive past the old house
often, and I’m constantly reminded
of our near-death experience.
It makes it hard to forget.
Still, even after all we’ve been
through I feel lucky.
We lost things - important things,
but still just things.
I shudder to think of what I could
have lost in the fire - my four
precious children.
That’s what really matters in life.


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