Pick Me Up! Special – September 2019

(ff) #1






I joked




Rupert was
put at ease



My big birthday
inspired some even
bigger changes




olishing off three thick
slices of buttery toast, I
patted my satisfied
tummy and headed off
to work.
You’d think that a huge
breakfast would have filled me
up – far from it.
As a train planner, I was sat at
a desk for most of the
day, snacking for
hours on end.
I’d tuck into biscuits
all morning –
chocolate digestives,
Hobnobs - anything.
Then at lunch I’d
have a large cheese
and mayo sandwich.
And for dinner? More carbs,
of course.
It was usually pie and chips or
a huge plate of pasta.
I was a carb queen!
‘I’m just a bit cuddly,’ I’d joke
to my friends.
But deep down, I knew it was
an addiction.
When I was 35, I hit the
scales at 15st.
And at just 5ft 7in, I was a bit
of a tub.
With my office job, over the
years, my weight continued to

creep up, going from a size 18 to
a puffed-up 24.
One day, I went to London’s
Camden Market with my
daughter Penny, 27.
Browsing through a vintage
shop, we pulled out beautiful
olden-day-style outfits.
But there was one problem –
all the dresses were
the same size.
As Penny was
drowning in the size
10 frocks, there was
no way I could even
zip mine up.
With my 50th
getting closer and
nearing the 20st mark,
I felt like I was staring down the
barrel of a gun.
I had to do something.
After doing some research, I
came across Slimming World.
Their eating plan allowed for
unlimited pasta, rice and spuds.
It sounded like it was too
good to be true!
I signed up in October 2016
and at my first meeting, I
weighed in at 19st 12lb.
But every week, I slowly
chipped away at my fat.
As bread wasn’t included in

Jill Ross, 50, from Leeds, had an

addiction she just had to beatÉ

the carb free-for-all, I cut it out.
Instead, I’d have lean bacon,
tomatoes, beans and
mushrooms for breakfast.
For lunch, I’d indulge in a
jacket potato, and for dinner, I’d
have pasta piled with veg.
And as the weight came off, I
started running.
Of course it was a struggle at
first, huffing and puffing after
just a few metres.
But soon I was doing 8k runs
four times a week.
By the time I turned 50 last
August, I’d lost over 5st.
And, this January, I reached
my goal weight of 12st 7lb.
To celebrate, I had a photo
shoot done, posing in a
beautiful size 14
vintage dress.
Now I feel
better than I
ever have.
I may be
50, but I’m
fit and

knees - there was no saving it.
Back at the hotel later that
night, I had to bin it!
It’s a shame, but I’m hoping
our windswept photos will last
much longer.

It was a
perfect day
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