WellBeing – August 2019

(Grace) #1
Founder of the Wellness Tourism
Summit, Droga & co. and Chair
of the Global Wellness Institute’s
Wellness Tourism Initiative.
Tell us about the Wellness Tourism
The Wellness Tourism Summit takes
place in Noosa in early 2020 and is a
passion project of mine. I wanted to
create an annual event on the Australian
wellness calendar – a place for people
working in wellness tourism to connect,
collaborate and learn. We have over 20
global and local experts in wellness and
travel speaking and have some amazing
wellness experiences for attendees to
enjoy in Noosa. The program is packed
with experts sharing international and
local best practice in marketing and
operations in this space.
Why Noosa?
We chose to host the inaugural summit
in Noosa as it provides the perfect
backdrop for immersive wellness. There’s
so much pristine nature – the biosphere

reserve, beaches, Noosa River and
Everglades. Combine that with great
fresh produce and passionate wellness
practitioners... and we couldn’t resist.
The Wellness Tourism Summit will be
For tickets and information head to
What is wellness travel?
wellness travel as travel associated with
the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing
each of us – for some, wellness travel
may be an intensive week-long retreat or
an amazing spa experience. For others
it’s taking a hike in a national park,
kayaking or enjoying fresh local produce
and dining experiences.
What does wellness travel look like
for you personally?
Travel and wellness are two of my
passions. If I’m travelling for work
or leisure, wellness experiences are
always included! I’m happiest when I’m
immersing in some sort of nature-based
experience on my travels – kayaking,
swimming, hiking, or simply sometimes

just being still in
nature. My best
trips are those
wellness trips
where I return
home changed in
some way for the
What are the key ingredients to a great
wellness trip?
Accessible nature, a variety of healthy
food options, access to spa treatments,
peace and quiet and scheduled quality
activities are all important to wellness
travellers. For me it’s also about your
mindset that you bring to the trip and
being open to personal transformation in
some way.
How big is wellness travel sector?
It’s booming and according to the Global
Wellness Institute is now worth over
$639 billion a year. In Australia it is worth
$14 billion in visitor spend. That’s about
1 million wellness trips a year. It’s a huge
opportunity for Australia as wellness
travellers are not only high yielding but
importantly, they tread lightly and are a
far more sustainable tourism market.

Q+A with

Katherine Droga


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