WellBeing – August 2019

(Grace) #1

Recent medical findings for a healthier body

Sauna sessions equal moderate exercise
It’s generally assumed that a sauna visit leads to a continuous fall
in blood pressure because the heat opens the blood vessels and
this lowers blood pressure. However, for a new study, subjects were
exposed to a 25-minute sauna session while having their blood
pressure and heart rate measured. Both rose immediately during the
sauna visit. After the sauna session, both blood pressure and heart rate
did drop below the subject’s baseline levels that were measured before
the sauna session. In a second part of the study, subjects completed
a short exercise program on an exercise bike while also having their
blood pressure and heart rate assessed. Subjects’ heart rate reached
the same levels during the sauna session as they did during moderate
exercise. The researchers say this shows that saunas do place a load on
the body and can be positive for the cardiovascular system.
Source: Complementary Therapies in Medicine

Exercise: morning or evening?
Researchers have learnt that the eff ect of
exercise may diff er depending on the time
of day it’s performed. Studies on mice
have revealed that the eff ect of exercise
performed in the beginning of the mouse’s
dark/active phase (corresponding to
morning for a human) diff ers from
the eff ect of exercise performed in the
beginning of the light/resting phase
(corresponding to our evening). The
researchers demonstrated that exercise in the
morning results in a greater metabolic response
in skeletal muscle, while exercise later in the day
increases energy expenditure for longer (some hours) after
the exercise session. Based on this we cannot say for certain which is best, exercise
in the morning or exercise in the evening. At this point, we can only conclude that
the eff ects are diff erent. The ways in which our circadian rhythms aff ect our health
are many and they demand continued study. Source: Cell Metabolism

Elderberr ies for the flu

have long
been used as
folk medicine
to treat colds
and flu. Now,
researchers at
the University
of Sydney have found exactly how
they work. The researchers used
commercially farmed elderberries,
which were turned into a juice and
applied to cells before, during and
after they had been infected with
the influenza virus. The elderberry
juice was shown to be effective at
stopping the virus infecting the
cells; however, to the surprise
of the researchers, it was even
more effective at inhibiting viral
propagation at later stages of the
influenza cycle when the cells had
already been infected with the
virus. The elderberry solution also
stimulated the cells to release
certain chemical messengers
(cytokines) that the immune
system uses for communication
between different cell types to
co-ordinate a more efficient
response against infection. These
effects were caused by chemicals
called anthocyanidins, which give
elderberries their purple colour.
Source: Journal of Functional Foods

Brush off Alzheimer’s
Researchers have previously discovered that
the bacteria causing gingivitis (inflamed
gums) can move from the mouth to the brain,
where the harmful enzymes they produce can
destroy the nerve cells in the brain, harming
memory and leading to Alzheimer’s. Now,
a new study has found the first DNA-evidence
indicating this process does happen in human
brains. The researchers examined people
with Alzheimer’s and discovered the enzymes
in 96 per cent of the cases. According to the

researchers, this knowledge gives possible
new approaches for attacking Alzheimer’s
disease. A drug to block the enzymes in
question is in development. Even better news
is that if you have established gingivitis and
have Alzheimer’s in your family, the simple
thing to do is go to your dentist regularly and
clean your teeth properly. Remember to brush
your teeth at least twice daily and use dental
floss and you will keep remembering.
Source: Science Advances






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MEDIFACT Gut microbes eat your medication Your microbiome, the bacteria and organisms in your digestive
tract, are vital to your health. Another dimension to this is that research has shown your microbiome has an
impact on how you metabolise your medication. For instance, research on levodopa (L-dopa), the primary
treatment for Parkinson’s disease, at Harvard University has identified which bacteria are responsible for
degrading the drug and how to stop this microbial interference. It’s a vital area for future research. Source: Science

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