WellBeing – August 2019

(Grace) #1


verything you eat and drink
affects your brain function and
how you think. Your ability to
learn new skills, focus on a task
and recall memories are all affected by
the type and quality of foods you eat.
Eating a well-balanced diet abundant
in brain-boosting nutrients will not only
help improve your memory and brain
power but can also help reduce the
risk of ageing-related diseases such
as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Brain nutrition
Here are some of the key nutrients to include
in your diet to keep your brain healthy.
The trace mineral iodine plays an
important role in healthy brain function
and cognitive ability as well as brain
development in children. In Australia and
other Western developed countries we’re
seeing widespread iodine deficiencies as
a result of poor soil quality and reliance
on processed foods. Common signs and
symptoms of iodine deficiency include
poor concentration and difficulty retaining
information. Deficiencies are also
associated with lower IQ and decreased
cognitive function in children.
The best natural sources of iodine
include sea vegetables (kelp, nori, kombu,
wakame), wild-caught fish, eggs and
green vegetables. Try adding wakame
flakes to meals for extra goodness.
Spirulina is another excellent source
of iodine that can be added to green
smoothies and vegetable juices.
B vitamins
B 6 , B 9 and B 12 are required to make
neurotransmitters that are involved with
mood and brain function. Vitamin B 12 has
been found to help prevent brain atrophy
(loss of neurons in the brain), which
is associated with memory loss and
dementia. If your diet is lacking in
B vitamins you will be at risk of cognitive
decline and memory loss and run the
risk of developing a neurodegenerative
disease like Alzheimer’s.
The best sources of B vitamins include
whole grains, fruits (in particular, green
leaves) and legumes. Vitamin B 12 is
found only in animal products so vegans

should take a B 12 supplement. Vitamin
B 12 is found in red meat, poultry, fish,
eggs, yoghurt and spirulina. Beneficial
gut bacteria can also synthesise vitamin
B 12 , so supporting good gut health by
including probiotic-rich fermented foods
in the diet is recommended.
Choline is an important nutrient related
to the B vitamin family. Choline makes up
part of your cell membranes and is used
to produce acetylcholine, an important
neurotransmitter involved in memory.
Choline is essential for healthy brain
function as it is found in the myelin sheath
that insulates nerve fibres throughout
the brain and body, which facilitates rapid
transmission of electrical impulses.
Including choline-rich foods in the
diet will help improve memory and brain
performance. Egg yolks are one of the
richest sources of choline. Other good
sources include soy beans and lecithin
granules, peanuts, spirulina, broccoli,
wheat germ, milk and beef.
Essential fatty acids
The brain is made up of more than 60
per cent structural fat and needs to be
supplied with the right type of fats to
stay well oiled and functioning properly.
Omega-3 essential fatty acids — in
particular DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) —
are vital for optimum brain performance.
The brain and the retina contain the
highest content of DHA found in any
tissue in the body. These healthy brain
fats help enhance learning and memory

and are vital for brain growth and
development in infants. DHA is important
for preventing depression and age-related
cognitive decline including dementia and
Alzheimer’s disease.
Omega-3 fats cannot be made by
the body, so they need to be supplied
through the diet. DHAs can be found in
cold-water fish such as wild salmon,
sardines, trout, herring, halibut and
mackerel. DHA can also be made by the
body from alpha linolenic acid found in
flax, hemp and chia seed (oil and meal),
walnuts and, to a lesser extent, in dark-
green leafy vegetables.
You should aim to include wild oily fish
in your diet at least three times a week.
Instead of butter or margarine, use flaxseed
oil drizzled on toast. Use omega-3 rich oils
in salad dressings and dips. Snack on raw
and unsalted nuts and seeds or add them
to breakfast cereals or salads. Sprinkle one
tablespoon of freshly ground flax, hemp or
chia seeds in smoothies.
Include plenty of antioxidant-rich foods in
your daily diet. Antioxidants help prevent
free radicals from damaging brain cells.
Antioxidants help slow down the ageing
process and can help protect you from
Alzheimer’s disease.
The best sources of antioxidants are
fruit and vegetables, especially red, blue
and purple varieties, including blueberries,
raspberries, tomatoes, red grapes and red
capsicums. Citrus fruits such as oranges,
lemons, limes and grapefruits and green
leafy vegetables are also rich in health-
promoting antioxidants.
Drinking a couple of cups of green tea
a day will also provide you with a good
dose of brain protective antioxidants.
Super berries such as açaí, camu camu
and maqui, and spirulina are abundant in
antioxidants and can easily be added to
smoothies and fresh juices to help boost
your daily antioxidant intake.

Brain-boosting herbs
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
A recent study has found that curcumin,
the active compound found in turmeric,
can help protect the brain. Curcumin has
potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

Foods for your brain

Whether you’re trying to boost your memory or improve focus and productivity at work,
including brain-enhancing foods, herbs and nutrients in your daily diet is a must.







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