WellBeing – August 2019

(Grace) #1
wellbeing.com.au | 55


v 1 to draw in by breathing
2 to take in eagerly or greedily

Take a deep breath in. Feel the lower part of your belly expand and the cool air tickle the skin just
above your top lip. Exhale. This time keep your awareness at the base of your spine and take another
breath. Notice how the breath starts there, at the tailbone, then moves in an upwards motion,
expanding your ribcage outwards and lifting your heart. Hold the breath in the lungs, just for a

moment. Release the breath. Did you feel your shoulders soften downwards and your belly slightly pull

in? Inhale. How well do you know your breath? When you’re feeling calm, how does it feel? Smooth,
deep and steady? When you’re feeling frazzled, what’s the quality of your breath like? Sharp, gasping
and frantic? You should get to know your breath, a companion that will only leave your side once,
intimately. Acting like an anchor, a solid footing, the breath will be there for you through all of the
tough times, just as it will celebrate all of the wonderful moments. This month, with intention and
observation, we encourage you to recognise the subtleties of your breath. Start now: inhale ... exhale.
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