WellBeing – August 2019

(Grace) #1
Downward dog (adho mukha svanasana)
Come to all fours. Set hips above knees,
hands shoulder width apart, the wrist line
just in front of the shoulder line, the gap
between middle and index finger bisecting
the centre of the wrist, feet hip-width
apart. Tuck your toes and extend legs, hips
high. Lift quads up and away from knees.
Ground heels and knuckles down with ears
between arms so neck is long. Take 10
long, calm breaths.

Standing forward fold/intense stretch pose
Feet hip-width apart. Equal weight across
four corners of the feet. Soften the knees.
Catch outer elbows and allow the whole
upper body to hang. Take a few breaths.
Then place hands on shins, lift chest so
spine is parallel to the earth for halfway lift.
Get longer through the side waist. Lift navel
up. Keep this length and, as you exhale,

take hands behind calves and fold forward,
extending the legs without locking the
knees. Lift the quad muscles up away from
knees. Shoulders away from ears, shoulder
blades sliding down back. Take 10 breaths.

Pyramid pose (parsvottanasana)
Step left foot back a leg length, front foot
set so toes are pointing forward and gap
between second and middle toe bisects
centre of heel. Turn left toes out 45 degrees,
in line with back knee, sole of foot pressing
down. Hands to hips, pull the right hip back
in line with left. You may need to step the
back foot out to the left a little in order to
do so. Extend legs without locking knees.
Sharpen back inner thigh and lift quads
up. Use hands to pick the frontal hip bones
up and away from earth and grow longer
through the spine, crown of head reaching
up. Keep this length in upper body and
strength in the legs. Fold to take the chest
and spine parallel to the earth. Bend elbows
as you reach hands behind your back to
grab wrists, elbows or palms together in
reverse namaste (prayer). Without losing
the length in the spine, fold forward. Take
five slow breaths. On the next inhale, press
through the feet to come all the way up.
Release arms, hands to hips. Step left foot
forward. Reset feet hip width apart, left toes
pointing forward, and step the right foot
back a leg’s length. Repeat on this side,
pulling the left hip back in line with right.
Sharpening legs, lifting quads, lengthening
spine, take chest and spine parallel to earth.
Lift quads and navel up as you bend elbows,
reach arms behind you and grab wrists,
elbows or reverse namaste. Fold forward on
an exhale. Five conscious breaths.

Wide-legged forward fold (prasarita
Release hands and take them back to hips.
Adjust feet so that heels are in line and toes
are turned in; the gap between the second
and middle toe should bisect the centre of
the heel. Hug the outer ankles in. Extend
legs without locking knees. Use hands to lift
frontal hip bones up, lengthening the tailbone
down. Crown of head yearns for sky as you
lengthen the side waist and spine. Quads lift,
navel lifts, spine long as you hinge from the
hips and fold forward, your spine parallel to
earth. Bend elbows and take hands behind
back. Clasp hands so that your palms press
together — you may need to bend elbows
in order to do so. Keep palms pressing
as you reach wrists up to sky and maybe
overhead. Shift hips over ankles. Take five to
10 conscious breaths. Release hands back to
hips. Strong legs to lift spine parallel to earth,
then all the way up on an inhale breath.

Downward dog
(adho mukha svanasana)

Pyramid pose

Standing forward fold/
intense stretch pose

Wide-legged forward fold
(prasarita padottanasana)


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