The Daily Telegraph - 19.08.2019

(Martin Jones) #1
the mounting number of bodies, while

  • in a trend widely reported elsewhere

  • funeral services hiked up their prices
    to exorbitant rates, plunging grieving
    families into debt.
    Jasmine, a mother-of-three, wept as
    she recalled sitting alone for days by
    her husband’s coffin when neighbours
    did not dare attend his wake, and some
    mocked her. She said that her husband
    had been shot six times when he
    witnessed a friend’s assassination. The
    trauma of identifying his disfigured
    body worsened when she could not
    afford to bury him and the local
    authorities allegedly refused to help.
    “My husband’s coffin lay on the
    street outside our house for 17 days,”
    she said. “The children kept asking,
    why is our father there?”
    Once again it was Father Pilario who
    intervened. For cases like Jasmine’s, he
    is forced to crowdfund on Facebook.
    Father Flavie Villanueva, who runs
    the Saint Arnold Janssen Centre in
    Tayuman, northern Manila, and who
    has faced death threats for his work on
    the front lines of the drug war, is
    saddened that the church can help only
    a “handful” of potentially hundreds of
    thousands who may be suffering.
    Father Villanueva’s institution has
    overseen the education of some 265
    “EJK [extrajudicial killing] orphans.”
    In the nearby district of Caloocan, a
    well-documented killing zone, the
    local parish has offered schooling to
    dozens more.
    Althea, a bright 11-year-old, is one of
    the children to have received the
    painstaking care of volunteer
    psychologists. Three years ago, she
    was jolted from her sleep at 3am by
    gunshots fired inside her home by
    masked men hunting down her

grandfather, a drug user.
“I saw my grandfather lying on the
floor next to me in a pool of blood...
my grandmother was hugging him,”
she said. “Then my father came into
the room and shouted ‘Papa!’ and the
men took him out and pushed him into
a car,” she explained. “The next time I
saw him, he was in a coffin.”
Despite the violence he has
unleashed, Mr Duterte is on track to
becoming the Philippines’ most
popular leader in more than 30 years.
He finished the first half of his six-year
term with a record net satisfaction of
68 per cent, according to a poll in July.
Bernadette Ramos, 37, a mother-of-
three from the district of Tondo, said
she supported the president even
though her husband’s cousin, a drug
addict, was a victim of the killings.
“Normal people are now safe from the
drugs lords,” she said. “Before, we were
afraid to go out because of robberies
and hold-ups,” Ms Ramos added.
Human rights groups have called for
international action. Last month, the


aria’s last memory of
her father is of him
lying face down and
begging for his life
moments before
gunshots rang out.
Earlier on a December morning in
2016, she and four siblings had been
celebrating their sister’s birthday,
squeezed happily on to the worn sofa
in their tiny home in the Philippine
slum of Payatas and eating spaghetti
prepared by their father Jerome, 37.
Then a movement by the window
caught the young girl’s eye. “A man
was pointing a gun at us,” Maria
recalls. A squad of seven unidentified
men, armed and dressed in black
jackets, then burst through the door.
The family suspect they were police
officers, although The Daily Telegraph
has been unable to confirm this.
The children froze and were too
scared even to scream. When her
siblings were pushed outside and their
father was ordered to lie down, Maria,
then 11, broke free to cling to him,
trying to shield him from harm.
“My father was showing them his ID
but the policeman said he didn’t care
and pointed a gun at his head. My
father kept begging them: ‘If I have
done something wrong please just put
me in jail because I have seven
children’,” she said.
But they didn’t listen. The slight
child was torn from her father and
tossed outside as he was killed in cold
blood. Three years later, Maria, now a
shy teenager, still cries as she recounts
the story, tormented that she was
unable to save him.
She bears witness to the devastation
felt by thousands of families ripped
apart since the start of the Philippine
government’s bloody war on drugs.
Humanitarian workers warn that the
brutality of the anti-drugs campaign is
compounding nationwide poverty and
fuelling a mental health crisis, the
effects of which will be felt for decades
to come.
The spiralling death toll among
alleged drug dealers and users since
Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippine
president, rose to power in 2016
vowing to “feed the fish in Manila bay”
with criminals, has prompted calls for
an independent United Nations
investigation. The Philippine Drug
Enforcement Agency has recorded

5,526 deaths of “drugs personalities”
during anti-drug operations, but the
Philippines Human Rights
Commission puts the number of
extrajudicial killings at nearer 27,000.
Recently the murders have become
more low key, say human rights
activists, where victims simply
disappear, and their corpses turn up
on wasteland days later.
However, Salvador Panelo, Mr
Duterte’s spokesman, rejected the
term “extrajudicial killings” as
drug-related deaths were “neither
state-initiated nor state-sponsored”.
He said: “Drug-related deaths are
consequences of police operations
when the subjects violently resist
arrest to the point which endangers
the lives of law enforcers who then act
on self-defence, which is permitted by
Philippine law.”
Mr Panelo pointed to several
state-run programmes to help those
with relatives involved in illegal drugs.
The government’s “Yakap ng Bayan”
programme offered financial help for
education, health and burial expenses,
and additional schemes provided
livelihood and skills training support.
Some 28,979 recovering drug addicts
had benefited, and 9,732 former drug
users received training.
Over the past year, 421,
“surrenderers” had gone through
recovery programmes, while 4,
had completed a primary care
programme at department of health
rehabilitation centres. By the end of
Mr Duterte’s term in 2022, each region
should have at least one drug abuse
and treatment centre, said Mr Panelo.
However, many survivors fear the
authorities. Eight families interviewed
by The Telegraph in Manila and
Quezon City said they turned not to
the state but to churches and civil
society groups for psychological and
financial support.
Maria can now speak after initially
being struck dumb by grief, said
Father Danny Pilario, the dean of the
St Vincent School of Theology in
Quezon City, near to Payatas.
She is an altar girl in the local chapel
and hopes to become a lawyer to help
others who face injustice. But daily
survival is tough for the seven siblings,
who rely on their grandmother Rosa,
86, as their main caregiver.
“I pray to God every day that before
I leave this world, my grandchildren
will have finished school. That’s the
only thing that I ask,” she said.
Payatas, a sprawling shanty town of
hundreds of thousands and host to the
Philippines largest open dumpsite,
was one of the first killing fields in the
drugs war. At the height of the
murders the Church struggled to bury

By David Millward
US CorreSpondent

THE leader of Right-wing
protesters who were em-
broiled in violent clashes
with counter-demonstrators
in Portland, Oregon, has
threatened to return to the
city every month.
Enrique Tarrio, chairman
of the Proud Boys, escalated
the long-running feud be-
tween white supremacists
and Antifa, a loose coalition
of Left-wing and anarchist
groups, which has brought
mayhem to the streets of a
number of American cities.
He said his group would
stage further demonstra-
tions until Ted Wheeler, the
mayor of Portland, moved
against Antifa.
“The path forward for
Mayor Wheeler is simple:
free your city from the grip
of Antifa, take direct and
meaningful action,” he said.
At least 13 people were ar-
rested and six injured in
clashes on Saturday. Police

seized weapons including
bear spray, metal poles, ba-
tons and curtain rods.
Members of the Three
Percenters, a paramilitary
group that pledges to defend
“constitutional rights”, were
among the Right-wing pro-
testers, some of whom wore
body armour. Portland Po-
lice deployed 1,000 officers.
Donald Trump appeared
to lay blame on Antifa for the
violence, writing on Twitter:
“Major consideration is be-

ing given to naming ANTIFA
TERROR’ ... Portland is be-
ing watched very closely.”
He added: “Hopefully the
Mayor will be able to prop-
erly do his job!”
A senate resolution, desig-
nating Antifa as a domestic
terrorist group, has been
proposed by Ted Cruz, the
Texas Republican.
Mr Trump’s tweet was de-
scribed as “not helpful” by
Mr Wheeler.

‘My father

kept begging

the police not

to kill him’


coffin lay
on the street

outside our
house for 17
days. The

children kept
asking, why
is our father


Far-Right group plans further

protests after Portland violence

Former Sudan president in court

By James Rothwell

ousted former president of
Sudan, is due to appear in
court today for the first stage
of his corruption trial.
Mr Bashir took power in a
1989 coup but was deposed
in April after mass protests
and security forces deciding
to withdraw support for his
regime, which was behind
an alleged genocidal cam-
paign in the Darfur region.
The 75-year-old faces alle-

gations of possessing foreign
currency, corruption and re-
ceiving gifts illegally.
Human rights groups and
relatives of victims also want
to see him stand trial at the
International Criminal
Court in The Hague for his
role in the genocide of
300,000 people in Darfur.
“While this trial is a posi-
tive step towards accounta-
bility for some of his alleged
crimes, he remains wanted
for heinous crimes commit-
ted against the Sudanese

people,” said Amnesty Inter-
national. It comes as Sudan
prepares to celebrate a his-
toric deal between generals
and protest leaders for a
transition to civilian rule,
which many hope will bring
increased freedom and pros-
During a ceremony to be
held by the Nile in Khar-
toum, members of the Tran-
sitional Military Council and
protest leaders are expected
to sign documents defining a
39-month transition.

Police officers detain a protester against a Right-wing rally

World news

United Nations Human Rights Council
voted to open an investigation into the
drug-war deaths, although Manila
immediately rejected the plan.
“These cold-blooded killings of
parents or other relatives are
happening every night, right in front
of children – so is it any surprise they
are profoundly and deeply scarred by
what’s happening?” said Phil
Robertson, the deputy Asia director
for Human Rights Watch.
In the absence of state help, a few
priests and NGOs are risking their
lives to support survivors, said Mr
Robertson. Nobody knows the
personal cost more than Bishop Pablo
David, of Caloocan, who now has
24-hour security after receiving death
threats for his outspokenness.
He is one of 35 high-profile critics of
the anti-drugs campaign – including
the Philippine vice-president – facing a
sedition case from the Philippine
National Police. He denies the charge
and believes it is linked to his
pushback against the authorities’
actions. In an interview, he said he
understood the need to fight illegal
drugs but that substance use disorder
should be treated as a “health issue.”
“People who fall into drug abuse
should not be treated as criminals...
we should treat them as victims who
need help,” he said.
His parish runs a rehabilitation
programme. Dozens of volunteer
mental health workers have been
trained to help grieving families and
orphans are given scholarships for
school. “They’re not just numbers,
they’re not just statistics,” says Bishop
David, “they’re human beings like you
and me.”
Some names have been changed.

Brutal crackdown:
President Duterte’s
‘war on drugs’ in the
Philippines has
resulted in
thousands of
deaths. Top,
Jasmine, a widow
with three children,
could not afford to
bury her husband



By Nicola Smith
in Manila

The Daily Telegraph Monday 19 August 2019 *** 13
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