Daily Mail - 19.08.2019

(lily) #1

Page 24

Fast-food man

shot dead for

‘slow’ kebab
A FAST-FOOD worker was shot
dead – because he did not
prepare a £4 kebab quickly
The attacker, a regular cus-
tomer, arrived at Le Mistral
cafe in Paris at 10pm on Friday
and ordered his usual meal.
As the 28-year-old server
prepared the food, the man
grew impatient and started
A source said he then pulled
out a gun and shot the server
in the shoulder. He died at the
cafe, near Disneyland Paris.
The attacker escaped.

The inquest revealed over-
worked staff struggling with
government policy on manag-
ing offenders in the commu-
nity and feeling under pres-
sure not to recall them.
Poor training and incompe-
tence meant crucial informa-
tion about Deakin’s drugs
tests was not passed on. One
officer was unaware Deakin
had repeatedly tested positive
for cocaine because she had
not been trained on how to

By James Tozer and Liz Hull

Why wasn’t he sent back

to jail? Probation f iasco

lef t knifeman free to kill

A CAREER criminal who stabbed

a young father to death was free

to kill because probation officials

missed opportunities to recall him

to jail, a coroner has ruled.
Timothy Deakin, 23, was on licence
from a 56-month prison term for biting
a stranger’s ear when he attacked
Michael Hoolickin.
An inquest heard that in the months
before window fitter Mr Hoolickin’s murder,

Deakin failed a staggering 11 drugs tests, in
direct breach of the terms of his release.
He also flouted a curfew, was arrested for
dealing cannabis, convicted of driving
offences and accused of carrying a knife.
Although he was given an official warning,
probation staff were unaware of his drug
use and failed to recall him to jail. It meant
Deakin, who had clocked up 27 convictions
by the age of 18, was free to kill Mr Hoolickin,

the father of a four-year-old son, outside a
pub in Middleton, Manchester, in 2016.
Mr Hoolickin, 27, was stabbed multiple
times trying to stop Deakin attacking his
own sister. Deakin was convicted of murder
and jailed for a minimum of 27 years.
The victim’s father, retired footballer
Garry Hoolickin, 61, found out that Deakin
was a serial criminal and, thanks to finan-
cial backing from the Professional Football-
ers’ Association, he enlisted a law firm to
fight for probation workers to be quizzed
over why Deakin was not recalled to jail.

find this information on their
computer system.
North Manchester coroner
Joanne Kearsley criticised the
National Probation Service for
a catalogue of ‘missed oppor-
tunities’. She added that Mr
Hoolickin would ‘probably’ be
alive today had Deakin been
sent back to jail.
The victim’s father said: ‘This
man should not have been out
on the streets. These ...
so-called professionals who
are supposed to be protecting
the public didn’t lock this thug
up, and Michael was killed.
‘It’s no wonder criminals
feel untouchable.’
A spokesman for the National
Probation Service apologised
for its failings and claimed
changes had been made to
ensure a similar tragedy was
not repeated.

Thug: Timothy Deakin




August 19, 2019

AUGUST 19, 1914
AN ADDITION of 100,000 men to His
Majesty’s Regular Army is immediately
necessary in the present grave National
Emergency. Lord Kitchener is confident that
this appeal will be at once responded to by
all those who have the safety of our Empire
at heart. Full information can be obtained
at any Post Office or Military Depot.
AUGUST 19, 1964
THOuSANDS of hysterically screaming
fans greeted the Beatles when they landed
in San Francisco tonight. It was a scene of
indescribable bedlam. A 100-strong posse
of sheriff ’s deputies snatched them from
the clutches of the girls.

right. The u.S. actor, who
played Chandler in hit
sitcom Friends, lost the tip
of the middle finger of his
right hand in an accident
with a door at nursery. One
of his school teachers told
him ‘I would never amount
to anything if I didn’t stop
joking around’. when Perry made the cover
of People magazine for the first time, he
sent the teacher a copy.
JENNIE BOND, 69. The BBC’s former royal
correspondent (and one-time runner-up on
I’m A Celebrity.. .) has described the job as
‘standing outside a palace or a castle, with
b****r all to say’. when she left her role after
14 years in 2003, she said: ‘I always thought
of it as a frilly and frothy job... It’s not even
that I’m interested in the Royal Family...
basically, they paid the mortgage.’

1948), right. The u.S. aviation
pioneer was credited — along-
side brother wilbur — with
building and flying the world’s
first successful aeroplane. He
was born 60 miles from the
Ohio hometown of astronaut
Neil Armstrong, who took
pieces of the brothers’ aircraft with him on
Apollo 11’s flight to the moon. Orville and
wilbur never married, lived together and
even shared a bank account.
FRANK McCOuRT (1930-2009). The New
york-born Irish author made his name with
Angela’s Ashes, the story of how his mother
begged on the streets of Limerick after being
abandoned by his alcoholic father. The book
won him a Pulitzer Prize — and the epithet
‘father of the misery memoir’ — before it was
turned into a film, starring Emily watson
and Robert Carlyle, which one critic
described as ‘two hours 35 minutes of
rain-sodden tedium’. McCourt admitted:
‘There was a lot of rain.’

IN 1919, Afghanistan declared its
independence from Britain.
IN 2005, former Northern Ireland Secretary
Mo Mowlam died, aged 55.

GUESS THE DEFINITION: Gargalesis (c 1897)
A) Rhetorical device of damning by
faint praise. B) Talking for the sake of it.
C) Forceful tickling. Answer below
Method to the madness: Meaning in spite
of one’s erratic behaviour there lies a plan
beneath; it comes from a line by Hamlet in
Shakespeare’s 1602 play: ‘Though this be
madness, yet there is method in’t.’

YoU have to expect things of
yourself before you can do them.
U.S. basketball star Michael Jordan

wHAT happened to the over-confident
lion tamer? He was consumed by his
own pride.
Guess The Definition answer: C.
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