Daily Mail - 19.08.2019

(lily) #1
Daily Mail, Monday, August 19, 2019 Page 47

where they were not allowed to
express discomfort, where even
a simple statement like ‘I’m
cold’ was considered selfish
and annoying. If your colleague
is prone to an indirect style of
communication, the onus is on
you and your nunchi to be
aware of this and to adapt
your behaviour.


ThInk about your office
meetings: many people ask

questions to show off or to
brown-nose the boss, or just
to be seen to be participating.
Are the people asking the
most questions in meetings
automatically getting respect or
bonuses? Sometimes asking a
lot of questions will just earn
you eye rolls from your
colleagues, who are fixated on
the fact that it’s 12.30 and the
queue at the canteen is getting
longer by the second.
Read the room and don’t
always feel you have to ask every
question that is in your head.

When someone is skilled in
nunchi, koreans don’t say that
person has ‘good nunchi’, they
say the person has ‘quick
nunchi’. Being right is some-
times useless if you’re too slow.
People with quick nunchi are
speedy judges of character. We
often suppress the wisdom of
our first impressions because
we’re taught to give everyone
the benefit of the doubt.
But human instincts — gut

feelings — have evolved over
millions of years and are woven
into our DnA. It is Ok to judge
a person based on your nunchi.
You don’t need to ‘earn’ the right
to decide for yourself whom you
do and do not trust.
O AdApted from the power Of
Nunchi: the Korean Secret to
Happiness And Success by euny
Hong, published by Hutchinson
on September 5 at £12.99. © euny
Hong 2019. to order a copy for
£10.40 (offer valid to September
2; p&p free on orders over £15),
call 0844 571 0640.

Welcome to

the ancient



that’s the key

to success

in life, work

and romance ...

Find your

TO SMOOTH your bra strap bulge, try
resistance band ‘flashers’ says celeb-
rity personal trainer Nadya Fair-
weather (u-shape.co.uk). Fold the
band in half or wrap the ends until
the resistance is fairly strong. Stand
tall, feet apart,
holding the band at
shoulder height.
Now holding the
arms further out
until you can’t go
farther, then
bring the band
back until your
hands are close
together. Try and
do as many as you
can for 30 seconds,
then take a 30-
second rest.
Repeat five sets.

TO BLITZ back fat, nutritionist Shona
Wilkinson (shonawilkinson.com)
recommends the following foods.
Seaweed is a great snack, as it
contains iodine, which plays
an important role in the
body’s metabolism — and will
help with weight loss.
Apple cider vinegar
also helps to stimulate
the metabolism and
improve blood sugar lev-
els. The best is the less
processed, cloudy ver-
sion, which looks like it
has bits in it. They are
where a lot of the health
benefits come from.
Set a target of five portions of veg a
day, then up it to eight. This will help
weight loss and reduce your bra strap
bulge — and you get an amazing
intake of nutrients. Concentrate on
dark green vegetables.

what to wear




what to do

what to eat

Sports bra,
£75, net-a-porter.com;
Top £29.95, johnlewis.
com; Resistance band,
£26.99. amazon.co.uk;
Trainers, £125,
Leggings, £69,

date avoiding questions about
family because he is an orphan,
or because he has just buried
them all in his back garden?
He’s unlikely to tell you either
on first meeting, but you might
at least learn there is some
issue about his family that
makes him uncomfortable. Is
he vague about where he lives
because he doesn’t want to
give away too much personal
information or because he has
a wife and two kids at home?
It’s also helpful to gauge your
date’s nunchi skills. How do

they relate to the room them-
selves? If the wine they wanted
isn’t available, for example, do
they make a big deal of it or do
they just choose another one?
Are they friendly and
approachable to others, or
closed off and guarded? Don’t
just judge the way they behave
with you, but assess the way
they behave with everyone.
Finding the right partner
requires plenty of nunchi.
Some friends will tell you to
make a list of must-haves —
money, looks, good job — and

not to budge from these.
Others will tell you the exact
opposite — that you have to
throw your must-haves out of
the window or you will remain
alone for ever.
Nunchi is the middle path
here. You neither have to drop
all your standards nor enforce
them unrealistically; it is impor-
tant you are discerning and
adaptable. Observe carefully,
gather impressions, and don’t
ignore ones that tell you what
you don’t want to hear.
Think of the couples that you

love to be around — I bet
they’re the ones with good
nunchi. Couples who are
considerate of each other’s
feelings and who can antici-
pate each other’s needs have a
way of spreading those good
and thoughtful vibes to others.
We all want to spend more time
with people like this.
The opposite is true for
couples with poor nunchi, who
either do not see or do not
care about their partner’s
needs. Everyone dreads having
these couples around.


(and learn to read people’s minds)


Picture: ALAMY

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