Daily Mirror - 19.08.2019

(Nandana) #1

mirror.co.uk MONDAY 19.08.2019 DAILY MIRROR^29


ain’s real Top G uns

combine the stealth with all the sensors
and the radar that the aircraft has, you
get an awareness of the situation around
you that really is light years ahead of
anything I’ve ever flown and probably
anything that has existed before it,” says
Bally. “It’s absolutely breathtaking.”
His missions are top secret, but his
love of flying the fast jets is clear.
“Getting the opportunity to fly these
high performance aircraft and be at the
cutting edge of technology is a great
privilege that I’m really
energised by every day,
even after 10 years in
the RAF.”
■ Fighter Pilot: The Real
Top Gun starts on ITV,
tomorrow at 9pm.
[email protected]

that. It’s a team effort, she’s hugely
supportive and thank goodness for her.”
Bally, who is based at RAF Marham in
Norfolk, completed his Lightning
training and is now flying the jets.
The Lightning has been described as
the best “eyes and ears” on the
front line. “When you

to reflect on those things and that you
come to terms with that.”
The front line isn’t the hard part, he
says, but being away from his wife and
two young children is tough.
“It really is painful being away from
them for so long at times. Being apart is
difficult and my wife bears the brunt of

we don’t make a mistake and don’t end
up affecting an unintended target.”
It’s not a job for the faint-hearted and
he says it’s important to deal with the
reality of war once he’s got two feet back
on the ground.
“You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t
think about it. It’s important to be able

d. The aircraft was inverted and
ing down into a valley over the ridge
were walking down. I looked up and
uld see the pilot looking down on me.
ought, ‘Wow I would love to do that’.”
efore flying the Lightning, Bally
ed in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria in
rnado fighter jet.
t can be hard,” he admits. “Flying on
is long sorties, punctuated by
ments of extreme adrenaline and a
uirement to be absolutely on top of
r game, which is really challenging
r a long period of flying.
n that moment, when you’re being
d to carry out ops, you’re focused on
ying it out to the best of your ability
doing it utterly professionally.
That is crucial. We need to make sure

RAF pilots get to grips with state-of-the-art

£100m Lightning stealth jet in documentary

she does not liken herself to
Maverick. She said: “I don’t see
myself as the stereotypical kind of
alpha-male fighter pilot. They’re
very confident and very outgoing.
That just hasn’t been me.”
Before training to fly the

Lightning, Danners, from the
Midlands, was a Flight Lieutenant in
the 815 Naval Air Squadron. She
decided to join the Navy after
having a flight in a glider on a
school trip. She says: “That’s
when the bug hit for me.”

One of few women training to join elite squad

THERE are only eight frontline
female fighter pilots in the UK.
Danielle, known as Danners, 35,
hopes to join the Lightning squad.
But first she has to pass a
gruelling course at the RAF’s
academy in North Wales. Like Bally,

Danners is
now training


roll ducts

bay door

In-flight refuelling probeuelling probeob

Electro-optical targeting laser

lift fan

0 mph

Tom Cruise in the hit 1986 movie

RAF’s incredible F-35B Lightning





Cost: £100m
2 air-to-air missiles
2 1,000lb guided bombs
Speed: 1,200mph
Length: 15.6m
Height: 4.36m
Wingspan: 10.7m
Weight: 32,300lb
Max Altitude: 15,000m
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