Daily Mirror - 19.08.2019

(Nandana) #1

(^38) DAILY MIRROR MONDAY 19.08.2019
and education for their workforce,
such as John Cadbury and Joseph
Rowntree. They knew that to get the
best from their workforce, they
needed to be treated right. More
power to Julian Richer.
Michael Sergison
Bootle, Merseyside
■ Great article about Richer Sounds
boss Julian Richer. How refreshing it
is to hear about a multi-millionaire
business owner who treats his staff
with the respect they deserve.
After all, the workforce is the most
important asset of any company.
Unscrupulous bosses who use tax
loopholes and don’t care about their
workers could learn a thing or two
from Mr Richer.
Mick Doran, Salford, Gtr Manchester
■ While Julian Richer seems to be a
decent boss who genuinely cares
about his staff, I was shocked to
discover he had previousy donated
to the Tories under David Cameron.
Yes, the very same David Cameron
who is responsible for the Brexit
mess we now find ourselves in and
the cruel austerity cuts that led to 14
million living below the poverty line
which Mr Richer finds so abhorrent.
D Fitzgerald, Manchester
■ Having read the article on Julian
Richer, I’m full of admiration for
the respectful way he treats his
workforce and I also agree with him
about the social problems facing
this country.
But he mentions that, at 60, he
now has a free bus pass which he
uses to get around. Where’s the
justice in someone worth
£160million receiving a free bus pass
at 60 when I can’t get mine until 66?
J Collins, Manchester
■ After reading Jason Beattie’s
interview with entrepreneur
Julian Richer, what a
wonderful world we would live
in if more people – and particu-
larly more business
owners – had just
some of his
Walt Emsley
■ Year after year there is
always the same debate
about the scandalous
annual rise in the price of
rail travel.
This is then followed
by revelations of the
shareholders and chief
executives basking in
exorbitant payouts.
Nothing will ever
change until a Labour
government is elected –
and the whole railway
system is renationalised.
David Knibb
Leamington Spa, Warks
■ Boris Johnson likes to
think of himself as a
Winston Churchill-type
figure, but he’s more like
a bad Paul Daniels.
While he distracts the
British public with
illusions of a properly
funded NHS, crime-free
streets, and investment
in transport and industry,
he aims to make us
forget that he has no
idea how to pull off the
trick of leaving the EU
without plunging the
country into economic
and social catastrophe.
We don’t like it, Prime
Minister – not at all!
Keith Baty
Carlisle, Cumbria
■ The number of MPs
switching parties or
becoming independents
in recent times is an
affront to democracy.
And this is alongside a
new PM elected by a tiny
Any MP changing
sides should be forced to
stand in a by-election,
thereby giving them
But bear in mind they
probably wouldn’t have
been elected had they
stood for that party.
Gary Martin
East London
Boris the
Hi-fi boss makes
for Richer society
■ It’s good to see businessman Julian
Richer putting his money where his
mouth is by giving away 60% of the
shares in his firm Richer Sounds to
his hard-working staff (Mirror,
August 15).
He is also campaigning for a fairer
tax system which would help bring
an end to the shameful inequality in
our society. Julian is the exception to
the rule when it comes to business
leaders, but his model obviously
works because Richer Sounds is
flourishing when other high street
retailers are falling by the wayside.
Would it be too much to ask that
other entrepreneurs follow his
example and respect and reward
the people who actually make the
business a success?
Paul Jones, Doncaster, South Yorks
■ What a decent man Richer
Sounds boss Julian Richer is in
repaying those who made him a
After all, it is the employees who
do most of the work in any company.
If all the rich paid their dues instead
of hiding it in offshore trusts, this
country would be a fairer place to
live. But you know the old saying

  • those who have the most
    want more. It’s pure greed.
    I just hope Mr Richer
    doesn’t still donate to the
    To r y p a r t y.
    MA Yaxley, Plymouth
    ■ The problem is that
    business owners such as
    Julian Richer are few and
    far between in this
    He is the old-fashioned
    type of paternalistic
    entrepreneur who built
    towns with healthcare

Living wage campaigner and Richer Sounds
boss Julian Richer, 60, has handed over 60%
of his firm’s shares – worth £3.5m – to his
531 employees, and shuns a private jet while
using his free bus pass. You say...





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■ If you’d like to send us a photo of a cherished loved
one, please email us at the address below with a
picture and some information about who they are
and where it was taken. Please do not send original
photos as we cannot guarantee they will be returned.

This family photo was taken at the seaside in 1933 and
brings back wonderful memories of the halcyon days
of childhood. From the left is our mam, next is my sister
Jean, then brothers Tom, Cecil, Colin and me, Alan.
We are now all great-grandparents with more than
50 descendants between us. We have all reached our
90s, except for me, and I hope to reach them next year.
My brother Tom received the French Legion of
Honour, while Colin emigrated to New Zealand with his
family. In 1972, Cecil and I cycled to the Munich
Olympics on a tandem.
Alan Barker, Harrogate, North Yorks

  1. Louisiana

  2. The Monkees

  3. 20,000

  4. New Zealand

  5. 1960s

of the day
Matt Lucas on
starring in Les
@RealMattLucas –
Amazing to think that
the Les Mis concerts
have two incredible
Valjeans. Both Alfie Boe
and John-Owen Jones
have been knocking it
out of the park.

h say,gotommmmiiiiiirrrroo

Yes. At last it seems
like some of our MPs are
acting in a sensible way,
looking at the issues and
leaving the nasty spiteful
personality politics behind.

No. The public
would rather Boris
Johnson as PM than
Jeremy Corbyn, and
that speaks volumes as
to how far Labour has
fallen under his

Ye s. W h at ever you m ight
think of Corbyn, an alliance
of sorts with the Tory rebels
is the only route left to get
us out of this mess.

Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson rejected Jeremy
Corbyn’s plan to lead a caretaker government
to stop a damaging no-deal Brexit, but
the SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Greens
say they will look at all options.
Should Jeremy Corbyn
lead a caretaker

No. I can’t see how
any Tory would willingly
bring down their own
government to make way
for a Corbyn-led one.

Ye s. It’s
precedent that any
caretaker government
must be headed up by
the Leader of the

No. Jo Swinson is right,
Harriet Harman or Ken
Clarke would be much
better interim PMs
than him.

All woman and all

we need in an MP
After watching Kathy Burke’s All Woman
on Channel 4 it made me wish this
marvellous woman would become a
Labour MP.
Please, Kathy, we need MPs like you
who have the guts not only to stand up
for women’s rights but for all working-
class people whatever their gender.
Mr Corbyn, please contact Ms Burke
Stuart Jarvis, Oxford

Kathy with
Megan from
Love Island
on All
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