Popular Mechanics USA - 09.2019

(Martin Jones) #1


With the lid up, you
use high-tempera-
ture direct heat on
the bottom of the
food, instead of all
around it. This is con-
duction heating; food
is cooked by direct
contact with a heat
source: the metal

grates. High heat pro-
duces little smoke.
It brings meat up to
its internal doneness
temperature quickly;
typically, within five
to 20 minutes. Best
foods for grilling are
thin steaks, chops,
hamburgers, seafood
fillets, and vegetables.

THE TRICK TO a perfectly cooked
hunk of protein is to get the
temperature close to uniform
throughout the flesh. That’s not
easy to accomplish if you consider
the physics of heat transfer. When
heat hits meat, the molecules on
the outside start moving quickly,
and then gradually transfer their
energy toward the center. “Hot air
cooks the outside of the meat, and
the outside of the meat cooks the
inside,” says Meathead Goldwyn,
author of Meathead: The Science
of Great Barbecue and Grilling.
“But this takes time because meat
is 70 percent water and water is a
good heat absorber, especially
when entrapped in muscle fibers
and fat.”
So when cooking meat outdoors,
it is critical to understand the
makeup of your meat and match
it to the right heat source. Meat is
muscle tissue, made up of mostly
water, protein, fats, and minerals.
When you look at a steak, you see

streaks of intramuscular fat woven among the thick bundles
of muscle fibers called myofibrils. You may or may not see
connective tissue like collagen that surrounds the muscle
fibers. Lean meats like chicken and tenderloin don’t have
much collagen. Thicker, tougher cuts like ribs, shoulder, and
brisket have a lot.
“A good rule of thumb is the thicker the meat, the lower
the heat; the thinner the meat, the higher the heat,” says
Meathead. (Goldwyn prefers to be called Meathead, a name
bestowed upon him by his father during the reign of All in
the Family.) “I’m talking about skinny foods like skirt
steak, shrimp, asparagus,” he says. “You want what I call
Warp 10 cooking; crank that grill and give ’er all she’s got,
Scottie!” That method delivers a dark brown sear to the sur-
face (known as the Maillard reaction; see “Get Down With
Browning,” page 40) without overcooking the center. Keep
the lid up or off and f lip your food often, almost like a rotis-
serie. Thicker, tougher cuts of meat (like beef brisket, pork
shoulder, and ribs that have a lot of fat and collagen) should
be cooked low and really slow—“that’s when the magic hap-
pens,” says Meathead. The collagen slowly breaks down and
melts into a rich, silky liquid called gelatin.
“It’s that melt-in-your-mouth moistness you get in
braised meats, pork shoulder, and brisket,” says Deutsch.
“It takes time, roasting slow at 200 to 275 degrees.”
One of the biggest mistakes backyard chefs make is
cooking thick cuts at too-high heat to accelerate cook-
ing. An experiment by scientist Greg Blonder, Ph.D., a
professor at Boston University’s College of Engineering,
demonstrated how impatience can ruin a meal. The scien-
tific advisor to the barbecuing website AmazingRibs.com
roasted two identical 4" by 3" pork loins, one at 325 0 F and
the other at 255 0 F. He inserted a thermometer into the
surface and center of each. When the center hit the per-
fect 145 0 F, the outer layers of the loin roasted at higher
heat were overcooked and dry, while the loin cooked lon-
ger at 225 0 F was moist throughout, except for the delicious
brown crust.


This is “low and slow”
convection cooking:
low temperatures
(200° to 300° F)
bathe all surfaces of
the food, transfer-
ring heat indirectly
for 2 to 18 hours.
Only slow cooking
over indirect heat will

break down the
connective tissue
on tough cuts like
brisket. “Smoke is
the essence of barbe-
cue,” says Meathead.
You can barbecue
with smoke on most
grills by creating a
low-heat zone (see
page 40).

The terms grilling and
barbecuing are often
confused and used
interchangeably. But
they’re very different
cooking methods.




❶ 200°F = Crusty
❷ 165°F = Dry
❸ 145°F = Juicy


❶ 200°F = Crusty
❷ 155°F = Moist
❸ 145°F = Juicy


Thick meats get
dry when cooked
too high.

September 2019 39
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