Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1
 Develop a comprehensive HIPAA disaster recovery plan. One of the administrative
safeguards outlined in the HIPAA Security Rule is that health care orgs must have a contingency
plan in place, one that includes a detailed disaster recovery plan.

That plan should consider the following:

o Does the plan address issues specific to my operating environment?
o Is a copy of the plan ready and accessible at more than one location?
o How will operations be conducted in the event of an emergency?
o Which members of my organization will be responsible for carrying out operations in the
event of an emergency?
o How will confidential data and safeguards for that data be restored after a disaster?

Even health-related organizations that are diligent about HIPAA compliance make mistakes from time to
time. Don’t let that discourage you — so long as you make a good faith effort to cover all of your bases,
you can provide your patients with peace of mind and rest assured that your business is well-protected.

About the Author

Adnan A. Olia is a senior member of the Intradyn team and is responsible
for keeping an eye on the regulatory and technological marketplaces.
Adnan provides thought leadership in the archiving and compliance sector
to help Intradyn understand the latest trends in business innovation.
can be reached online at LinkedIn: and at our
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