Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1

Facing the Reality of VPN Security Flaws, And How to Overcome Them


By Don Boxley, CEO and Co-Founder, DH2i

Virtual private networks (VPNs) have served as a valued tool on most data and cyber security
professionals' tool belts. However, today's data reality -- where cloud, IoT, big data, and other
progressive applications reign supreme -- many are learning the hard way that traditional VPNs
simply cannot support today's data security demands. Others are unknowingly in for an
inevitable rude awakening. However, more proactive organizations are already exploring or have
deployed more advanced solutions that are able to meet today’s security requirements, as well
as provide additional IT, business and budget benefits.

A Brief Look Back

For many years now, the VPNs have served as the most common way to “securely” access networks.
Unfortunately, however, while the main business advantage of using a VPN is generally regarded as
improved security via the technology’s end-to-end encryption capabilities, the fact is that VPNs not only
expose sensitive data to increased security risks, but in today’s cloud-based environment, they actually
magnify those risks exponentially.

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