Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1

pulling back on these initiatives, a shortsighted move that compromises innovation in exchange for

Instead, there is a delicate balance between innovation and accountability that will mark the next
generation of prominent technologies.

Therefore, companies should prioritize the technological infrastructure that can monitor these initiatives
while demonstrating compliance. For example, GDPR requires that companies appropriately explain the
method and nature of their data processing, so intentionality must be enacted at every level of

Regardless of the specific technology, the next generation of innovation will come with accountability,
and companies won’t have carte blanche to do whatever they want with their customers’ data.

We are undoubtedly heading into an era that is increasingly marked by more regulation, not less. Even
so, that doesn’t mean that innovation has to stall. Instead, today’s organizations can embrace this
moment as an opportunity to refine their practices and priorities to ensure that their platforms’ next
iterations are both extremely capable and unambiguously aware of the valuable information that propels
their ecosystems.

When the right solutions are implemented, everyone wins. That’s the intention of every regulatory effort,
and it needs to be the priority of every organization going forward.

About the Author:

Isaac Kohen is the Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Teramind
(, a leading, global provider of employee monitoring,
insider threat detection, and data loss prevention solutions.
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