Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1

Today’s Cyber Threats Demand Enhanced Strategies and Solutions

By Joseph E. Saracino, Jr., President & CEO, Cino Ltd. Family of Companies, which includes Cyber
Security Solutions

The term cyber security has become part of our everyday conversations. Headline grabbing data

breaches affecting the sensitive data of millions have become commonplace. In 2018, Lloyd’s, the world’s

specialist insurance and reinsurance market, which underwrites approximately one third of the global

cyber market (80% of which is written in the United States), estimated that cyber attacks cost businesses

as much as $400 million annually. This figure reflects direct damage and post-attack disruption to their

normal course of business. Despite these sobering figures, many organizations aren’t taking all the steps

necessary to protect their data and that of their customers. Even Information Technology (IT)

professionals and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are not as prepared and trained as they should

be in the increasingly more complex arena of cyber security and defense. There are many

misconceptions surrounding cyber security held at all levels of many businesses, from the Board and

executive team to the IT department and rank and file employees. Gaining a better understanding of

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