Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1
For all companies, a robust cyber security program stems from the top. Management

must be fully-engaged in a cyber security initiative and support it 100%. Without executive buy-in, a cyber

security program will not be successful. The C-suite -the CEO, COO, CFO, CISO and CSO – must

become informed and proactive, not reactive, regarding cyber security. A culture of cyber security

awareness, due diligence and responsibility must prevail. The internal IT team, as well as any external

IT professionals used, should be aligned and in direct communication with a cyber security organization;

one which specializes in cyber security and has a team of cyber security professionals who are

experienced and current on the latest cyber threats and effective strategies for defending against them.

Some of these organizations offer mentoring, training and certification programs for their clients’ IT teams

and MSP staff which should be pursued. Additionally, all employees should be educated regarding their

responsibilities to the cyber security initiative. This includes guiding them with policies relating to effective

cyber security practices such as changing passwords regularly, being aware of what constitutes

suspicious emails, turning off their computers and personal devices at the end of the day, and reminding

them that personal devices used for work too must adhere to sound cyber security practices. By building

a strong relationship with a cyber security firm based on trust, in the same way a company relies on its

accounting and law firms, cyber security will rise to the level of a critical operation.

In addition to cyber security training, key tactical measures that every sound cyber security program

requires are:

 Live Penetration Testing – Attempts to penetrate a network from the Internet and external IPs
 Vulnerability Detection – A minimum of two scans per year on an internal network
 Anti-Key Logging Software – Keystroke encryption software to prevent malware from stealing
sensitive data
 Identity Theft Protection Services – To mitigate risks and damage
 Ongoing Cyber Security Bulletins and Urgent Alerts – To keep executives, IT staff and MSP staff
informed on the latest threats and other timely information
 Cyber Insurance – Liability insurance as well as cyber extortion insurance

“The Inconvenience of Cyber Security”

Cyber security is inconvenient; no question about it. It is, however, necessary and not something that

should be left up to others. While organizations should avail themselves of the expertise and experience

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