Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1

5 Tips to Protect Your Personal Information Safe Online

Spending time on the internet and social channels is good for us, as it helps us to get connected with our
loved ones. But do we really care about our data privacy? How much time do we spend to keep our
personal information safe? The good news is that you can continue using the internet, but in a safer
manner, without interfering with your normal online habits. Here are 5 basic ways to help you protect your
personal information safe.

  1. Regularly update your security

Many people don't update their systems because they think that it is time consuming or they simply don’t
care about it. If your system is outdated, you can be an easy target of hackers. They can send viruses,
trojans and different types of malwares to your device.

With the latest development and method used by hackers, it's very tough for software companies to
ensure the privacy of their users. This is the reason we regularly got releases, patches, security updates
and fixes.

Keep your system up to date and make sure to use the latest version of every software that is installed
in your system. You can also turn on automatic updates so you don’t have to think about it. Make it your
habit to run regular scan for your system.

  1. Set Strong password

People usually set weak passwords that are easy to remember. Many of them, don’t even change their
passwords for months; even years. As a result, many accounts get compromised due to these easy to
guess passwords.

Always use strong password for your system, social and other online accounts including your credit,
bank, and others. A complex password must have a combination of letters (mixed case), numbers and
special characters. Set unique password for each account and change it once a month.

You can also use a password manager that can store all your passwords in a secure database. The best
thing about password manager is, all your saved passwords are encrypted by default to others and that
are only visible to those who have login details.

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