Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1

  1. Keep Your Browsing Secret

Nothing is free in this world. And if something is free, you are definitely paying for something in return.
Free public Wi-Fi network is a good example for this. Pubic networks are convenient, but it doesn’t
guarantee your security. With few tricks and the right tools, anyone on the same Wi-Fi network could be
spy you’re browsing activities. That person could be a hacker, data snooper or a data theft.

People use public networks to use their social account, check their emails, or to do online transaction. If
you must log in or transact online on public Wi-Fi, it’s recommended to use a virtual private network,
which encrypts your activity so that others on the same network can’t track your activity. Make sure to
use a legitimate service that you pay for. Once you get home, keep where you surf a secret by browsing
in private or incognito mode.

  1. Never click on emails from unknown sources

Email attacks (including Phishing, Spam, Spyware, Adware etc) are on the rise these days. We daily
receive suspicious emails that requires personal information or have malicious links. These emails often
used to steal user details, including account credentials, credit card numbers or passwords.

An attacker can easily trick users into clicking a malicious link, which can lead to the installation of
malware, the freezing of the system as part of a ransomware attack or the revealing of sensitive
information. Malicious links include spelling mistakes or changes in the domain names.

To stay safe from such attacks, you need to be extra careful while reading emails and clicking on the
external links. Also, do not share your personal details with anyone.

  1. Backup your data

In the past few years, we have seen a huge increase in ransomware attacks. Hackers usually encrypt
user data and ask to pay ransom to decrypt the files of their system.

One of the best ways to protect your data is to keep your computer backed up. Remember to back up
twice a month and set your computer to auto update. You can also use an external hard drive as a way
to back up your data. This will provide you an extra layer of security, especially when protected with
software that enables you to access your data.

Help avoid compromising your information by taking these simple measures to ensure your personal data
is safe from any potential threats. If every individual adopts these steps, the possibility of a cyberattacks
can be decreased.

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