Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1

Is Your Organization Ready For The Windows 10 Migration?

Synopsis: Organizations should look at the migration to Windows 10 as an opportunity to upgrade their

Windows management. But they must also take measures to maintain security against evolving threats.

By Kevin Alexandra, principal consultant at BeyondTrust

Organizations worldwide are still coming to grips with the migration from Windows 7 to Windows 10. As
we draw closer to the January 2020 deadline, Microsoft is committing to a renewed focus on the
enterprise and to unify the Windows experience across devices, from the phone in your pocket to the
display in the boardroom. The update also addresses pre-breach threat resistance by removing or
defending against the attack vectors used by the malware and hacking industry.

Although many are already capitalizing on the transition as a chance to strengthen their overall IT, and
better protect endpoints for individual users, others are stalling.

In fact, earlier this year, Microsoft announced that 184 million commercial PCs are still running Windows
7 across the world — and that's excluding the People's Republic of China. But as the deadline for
Windows 7 extended support draws to a close in 2020, it's important for IT professionals to prepare and
become better informed on the implications of the migration for their business today.

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