Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1

This approach could be installed as the router is developed on the factory floor, building in a security
management platform that doesn’t rely on future hardware fixes or software patches to keep devices
safe, easing the cost burden for manufacturers further down the line. Even vulnerable end-of-life firmware
updates are shielded from attack.

Routers sit at the center of IoT and are critical for its growth. It is imperative for IoT infrastructure
manufacturers to address these vulnerabilities before they are exposed, with solutions that allow them to
monitor and protect from the moment a device is developed, to when it is operational in the real-world,
throughout its entire lifecycle. Hackers and cyber attackers are becoming more sophisticated in their
attacks using routers, so it is important that new methods like cloud-to-flash that don’t utilize the CPU
and managed security that offers insightful data are implemented into devices before its too late.

The fate of the IoT will rely on it.

About the Author

Nitzan Daube is CTO of NanoLock, where he brings extensive
experience in software ̧ high-tech business and bridging the gap
between marketing ̧ project management and engineering. He has
worked with companies like Microsoft, National Geographic and
Cellepathy in various executive-level software and hardware
management capacities. Connect with Nitzan on LinkedIn at and at our company
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