Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1

The Future of AI

The future of AI and machine learning is looking bright, particularly when it comes to cyber defense.
Machine learning has come a long way in a short space of time, improving the work environment for
many industries as well as impacting customer experiences. The technology is yet to reach its peak, but
businesses will do well to fully embrace it when it does.

Even in its infancy, it’s already changing industries and how they operate, it’s only a matter of time before
it infiltrates other industries in the future. If machine learning keeps improving the way it is now, there is
every reason to believe it will save many hacking instances from taking place. The possibilities are
endless if machine learning is welcomed with open arms.

About the Author

Richard Meadow is a Freelance writer interested in technology
and enjoys researching new subjects to write about. Currently,
with the help of Apadmi, Richard research has lead into cyber
defense and looking into the latest updates and technology is
his current passion.Richard can be reached online at
[email protected] and his Twitter handle is
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