Cyber Defense Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1

What Is DNS Hijacking And How Can You Mitigate?

By Yair Green, CTO, GlobalDots

DNS (Domain Name System) is crucial to all organisations that rely on the Internet for conducting
business – it’s critical for the performance and reliability of your internet applications and cloud services.
DNS failure or poor performance leads to applications, data and content becoming unavailable, causing
user frustration, lost sales and business reputation damage.

DNS hijacking attacks have become widespread so what can be done to mitigate them.

DNS overview

Domain Name System (DNS) servers are often called “the phone books of the Internet” and are used to
resolve human-readable hostnames into machine-readable IP addresses. They also provide other useful
info about domain names, such as mail services. For example, if you know someone’s name but don’t

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