Dumbo Feather – July 2019

(ff) #1
very year in the winter I spend a weekend with
my extended family at a place where there is a
labyrinth. On our most recent trip, I was reminded
of the role the labyrinth has played in our lives—as a
facilitator of positive change and connection in our
family. I was left in total awe at how this very individual
practice brings us closer as a collective. Often, in the
contemplative state of following this narrow path,
we have new epiphanies—individually and together.
Sometimes there are tears, sometimes laughter,
sometimes ahaaaaaas, and each time I am lost for
words at the power of collective consciousness and
the experience of oneness when we are at home
in our bodies, minds and souls. The labyrinth is an
awesome symbol and tool in that way, highlighting
the connected and fluid river of belonging.

For me, belonging is about belonging to nature,
to family, to community, and then belonging to
the world at large and the universe. There’s a
sense of neverending-ness to it. And yet, at the
same time, it’s incredibly intimate and personal.
Like a labyrinth that holds aimless wandering as
a means to an end and brings people together
as they walk apart, belonging holds the paradox
of closeness in the vastness of our world.

I guess that’s where it all starts for me—the personal.
Belonging to self. I want to belong to myself so that I
feel comfortable in what I’m giving to others and the
planet. We spend so much time considering where
we belong, or whom we belong to, and very little time
reflecting inwards on whether or not we truly belong to
ourselves. How do we do that? How do we come home
to our true selves? For me, when I’m in the surf, feeling
totally absorbed and in flow with the ocean—that’s
when I know I’m really feeding and nourishing my true
self. The experience strengthens how comfortable I
am in my own skin and with what intensity I’m owning
who I am. There, in the surf, I belong to myself.

This state of belonging is like a magnet for finding
a supportive, nurturing, values-aligned tribe. If you
know yourself, you can know your people. Being
surrounded by those who truly see, hear and feel
your passions and your vision is one of the most
powerful things I’ve experienced. It feels sacred
to be so in tune with others. My dream is to be

living in a way that mimics the incredible roles and
relationships we see played out in the natural world
around us—to be living as an integral part of the
planet’s processes, giving and receiving in ways that
support and protect our fellow species. That’s why we
build and create the way that we do at The Sociable
Weaver Group. We want everyone to have the best
possible chance of flourishing in their natural way,
and feel a deep sense of belonging to the planet.
It’s part of human nature to create, find and rely on
places and spaces that feel safe and comfortable.
If everyone could be nesting in a space where they
felt they truly belonged, a space that grounds them
and makes them feel safe and held, maybe more
people would feel connected to their true selves.

It’s so important to me that we support each other
as one big awesome community, and seek out and
foster the places and moments where we feel most
strongly that we belong. This is where we’ll find joy,
where we’ll grow the most important ideas, and where
we’ll manifest the best future in true harmony.

Coming home to our true selves


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