Daily Mail - 16.08.2019

(Marcin) #1

Page 20 QQQ Daily Mail, Friday, August 16, 2019

Israel blocks

visit by two

of Trump’s

biggest foes

ISRAEL is to bar a visit by two US
congresswomen after Donald
Trump urged it to do so.
Prime minister Benjamin
Netanyahu said it had to refuse
entry to Ilhan Omar and Rash-
ida Tlaib because their ‘sole
purpose is to harm Israel’.
The pair have clashed with Mr
Trump, who drew widespread
criticism after suggesting they
should ‘go back’ home, even
though one is US born and the
other a naturalised US citizen.
Miss Omar and Miss Tlaib have
supported a boycott of Israel
over its treatment of Palestini-
ans. Israel announced the bar
after Mr Trump tweeted: ‘It
would show great weakness if
Israel allowed [the] visit. They
hate Israel & all Jewish people.’
The women – along with Dem-
ocrat congress allies Alexan-
dria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna
Pressley – are nicknamed The
Squad and have faced a cam-
paign of abuse from Mr Trump.

By Claire Duffin

to police although it is feared many more
were abused. The youngest was aged just
five at the time. At least 70 are now suing
the Department of Health.
It is understood the department has
offered £8,500 for each time the abuse was
carried out. Some victims say it happened
dozens of times, opening the possibility

Children abused

at ‘truth serum’

hospital sue the

state for millions

that the payouts could run into
millions of pounds.
It is understood the maximum
cap the Government wants to put
on claims is £40,000 – but this is
being opposed.
Victim Justin Stubbings – who
was at the facility for nine days in
1969, aged 14 – described the pay-
ments as a ‘con’. He told the BBC:
‘They have agreed to pay for the
[drug] treatment but are not

going anywhere near the sexual
[and] physical abuse. There seems
to be no understanding of what
that did to us. We didn’t matter
then and we don’t matter now.’
Barbara O’Hare, 60, from Liver-
pool, spent eight months at Aston
Hall as a 12-year-old in 1971.
She said: ‘What’s your childhood
worth? It’s not about the money.
It’s an insult, but £800 million

would still be an insult.’ A legal
source said: ‘This is a major case
and it could result in millions of
pounds being paid out. There are
several legal firms involved.
‘Dr Milner is dead so the victims
will never get true justice through
the criminal justice process.
‘But this is what they deserve.
What they went through was truly
harrowing. It has ruined lives, rela-

tionships and people’s sanity. It
was a form of torture.
‘It looks to easily hit £1 million
and then possibly millions. Nobody
is exactly sure how many people
are taking legal action because
there’s victims all over the country
and some are living abroad.
‘The first offer is £8,500 for each
time the abuse happened and this
was widespread.’
Dr Milner, who previously worked
at Broadmoor and Rampton psy-
chiatric hospitals, carried out
‘narco analysis’ and interviewed
patients in a drug-induced state.
The victims told how Dr Milner
injected them with sodium amytal,
a powerful barbiturate which
would have left them immobile
and semi-conscious.
A spokesman for the Depart-
ment of Health said: ‘This is an
important milestone for everyone
who was affected by these terrible
events and we hope that all
claims can be resolved as soon
as possible.’

Psychiatric hospital: Aston Hall and, right, Dr Milner

‘What’s your
childhood worth?’

FORMER patients of a notorious

psychiatric hospital are seeking

millions of pounds in compensa-
tion from the Government.
Dozens of children were sexually
abused at Aston Hall in Derbyshire
after being given a ‘truth serum’ which
left them unable to move.
Last year, a police report concluded that
if Dr Kenneth Milner, the psychiatrist who
ran the institution, was still alive, there
would be enough evidence to arrest him
over allegations of rape and child cruelty.
Milner, who died 44 years ago, presided
over Aston Hall for three decades. He was
allowed to continue ‘unmonitored and
unchallenged’ between 1947 and 1975
because of the power he held over staff
and patients, the report found.
The victims had been sent to the hospi-
tal from children’s homes, courts and
troubled families.
More than 90 victims have come forward

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib
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