Daily Mail - 16.08.2019

(Marcin) #1
Page 26

Hero pilot of

bird-strike jet

lands in field

A RUSSIAN pilot has been
hailed a hero for landing a jet
carrying 233 passengers in a
corn field after a bird strike
took out both engines.
The Ural Airlines flight from
Moscow to Simferopol in the
Crimea came down three
miles from take-off when it hit
a flock of seagulls yesterday.
The Airbus A321 made a
‘belly’ landing with the
engines off and its wheels
retracted. Passengers, who
cheered on landing, were
evacuated using inflatable
ramps. Twenty three were
hurt, but none seriously.
‘Everyone is alive. The pilot
is a genius,’ said one.

me’. Kelly then got out of the
bed and said ‘I thought I was
with Levi’ – a reference to a
woman he had started seeing.
The boyfriend said the woman
was ‘distressed’ and ‘in bits’.
The court also heard from a
female friend of Kelly’s who
told the jury he twice sexually
touched her when she was
asleep as they shared a bed.
She said after the first occa-
sion: ‘I was angry and pushed
him off. He was really apolo-
getic and he said he was sorry
and he didn’t mean to.’
The witness said she was
‘absolutely sure’ he knew what
he was doing. After the second
occasion a year later, she
texted him: ‘I find it disgust-
ing what you did to me while I

By Chris Brooke

Sleepwalker, 21

‘in sex assault on

friend’s partner’

A MAN who suffers from a rare
sleep disorder tried to have sex
with his friend’s girlfriend after
walking into their bedroom, a jury
heard yesterday.
Dale Kelly, 21, allegedly sexually
assaulted the woman, who screamed
when she realised what was happening.
He had gone to bed with ‘sex in his mind’
after using dating app Tinder shortly before

falling asleep, York Crown Court was told. It
followed a drunken night out when Kelly
had taken condoms with him because he
intended ‘to pull’.
The jury heard Kelly suffers from the sleep
disorder parasomnia, which can involve
sleepwalking. He also experiences sexsom-
nia, where sexual activity takes place dur-
ing sleep, it was claimed.
Kelly, of Dalton-le-Dale, County Durham,

denies sexual assault. His lawyers claim he
was asleep at the time and not in control of
what he was doing. The court heard Kelly,
two friends and the woman had been on a
night out and returned to a house in Tad-
caster, North Yorkshire, in 2017.
They went to bed at around 4am, with the
couple sharing a bed on another floor. The
alleged victim’s boyfriend told the jury he
was woken by his girlfriend shouting his
name and asking: ‘What the f*** is he doing
in our bed?’ She claimed ‘He’s tried to rape

‘What’s he doing
in our bed?’

was asleep.’ Another text read:
‘Please make sure you have
consent with other girls.’
Expert neurologist Neil
Munro told the court Kelly
suffered from parasomnia,
which can lead to sleepwalk-
ing and sleep-sex.
He said the condition was
caused by parts of the brain
being awake while others
slept. He explained: ‘The part
of the brain that is asleep is
what we need to be human. It
is the part that makes us
decent human beings.
‘The ancients were right
when they said there is a beast
in all of us that arises in sleep.’
Mr Munro said a likely sce-
nario was that Kelly had expe-
rienced a ‘target parasomnia’,
where he involuntarily carried
out the act of initiating sex.
The case continues.

Court: Dale Kelly yesterday




August 16, 2019

AUGUST 16, 1945
LoNDoN went crazy last night. The rollick-
ing thousands who turned out to celebrate
victory over Japan [V-J Day] made the
biggest and noisiest crowd London ever saw.
Just after midnight bonfires were lit, there
were 200 casualties from fireworks, windows
were smashed and phone kiosks wrecked.
AUGUST 16, 1971
HArVEY Smith last night was sensationally
disqualified from collecting a £2,000 prize,
the world of showjumping’s richest — hours
after winning the Wills British Jumping
Derby title on Mattie Brown at Hickstead.
Show director Douglas Bunn said the
disqualification was ordered as Smith made
a ‘disgusting gesture’ [a V-sign] to officials.
[The decision was reversed two days later.]

SIr Trevor McDonald, 80.
The Trinidad-born Bafta-
winning ex-News At Ten host
(right) met Colonel Gaddafi
and Saddam Hussein, got
the first British TV interview
with Nelson Mandela after
his release from jail, and
counted Enoch Powell as a
fan. Britain’s first black TV newsman said,
while young, he refined his accent listening to
richard Dimbleby on the World Service.
KATHArINE Hamnett, 72. The English
fashion designer is best known for her
T-shirts with political slogans , such as
‘Education Not Missiles’ and ‘Choose Life’,
which were worn by everyone from Madonna
to Wham! in the Eighties. She once met
Margaret Thatcher wearing one with the
anti-nuclear slogan ‘58% Don’t Want
Pershing’. Hamnett said the slogans had all
been ‘cries from the heart’.

THoMAS Edward Lawrence
(1888-1935). The 5ft 5in Brit-
ish soldier who gained fame
as Lawrence of Arabia
(right) was born in Trema-
dog, Wales. Played by 6ft 2in
Peter o’Toole in the 1962
film, T.E. Lawrence was
once described by a supe-
rior as the ‘untidiest officer
in the British Army’. Lawrence died riding a
motorcycle in Dorset. He crashed after
swerving to avoid two boys on bicycles.
FESS Parker (1924-2010). The American
actor popularised raccoon-skin hats after
playing the title role of Davy Crockett in a
1950s Disney-produced TV series. He also
had a hit with its theme song, The Ballad of
Davy Crockett. The 6ft 6in actor was named
a Disney Legend in 1991. After retiring from
acting, he opened hotels, meeting and
greeting guests personally.

IN 1819, an estimated 18 people were killed
and 700 injured in the Peterloo Massacre
in Manchester.
IN 1977, Elvis Presley died, aged 42, after
being found on the floor of the bathroom at
his Graceland mansion in Memphis.

A) Struggling to walk. B) Too much for a
wheelbarrow, but not enough for a cart.
C) A double handful. Answer below
Bless your lucky star: An expression of
gratitude for a lucky thing that has happened
to you: from the Middle Ages when it was
thought the positions of stars could influence
your future.

The liberals can understand
everything but people who
don’t understand them.
Lenny Bruce, U.S. comedian (1925-1966)

I HAD a dream that the ocean had turned
orange... But it was just a Fanta sea.
Guess The Definition answer: C.
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