Daily Mail - 16.08.2019

(Marcin) #1
Page 30 Daily Mail, Friday, August 16, 2019


obert MAXWeLL was
a ruthless bully who
rose from impoverished
beginnings in Czecho-
slovakia to become a
multi-millionaire publisher
living a life of luxury — funded
by £460 million stolen from the
Mirror Group pension pot.
With his youngest daughter — and
‘favourite’ child — Ghislaine in hiding
in the wake of the death of her ex-lover
and mentor, the paedophile and alleged
sex-trafficker Jeffrey epstein, JANE
FRYER explores the ups and perhaps
inevitable downs of her many troubled
Maxwell siblings...

michael, Ghislaine’s oldest brother
robert and betty Maxwell’s first-
born fell into a coma aged 15 after a car
crash in 1961 and died eight years later,
never having regained consciousness.


Philip, 70, is the
second-eldest sibling
‘Poor Philip’, as his
friends always knew him,
was a brilliant scientist
and mathematician who
won a scholarship to
balliol College, oxford,
aged just 16. but he so
loathed his domineering father that, as
soon as he could, Philip fled to
Argentina to get ‘as far away from
[him] as possible’.
the pair fell out irretrievably when he
married Nilda, an Argentine, in 1977,
against robert’s wishes.
the marriage didn’t last — Nilda
moved out taking their daughter
Marcella with her and a second
marriage also failed. Philip was last
heard of living in a £65-a-week flat in
North London trying to be a writer.
the subject? His bullying father.


Anne, 69, is Ghislaine’s
eldest sister
WHeN her fledgling
acting career floundered,
her father’s reaction
was: ‘What have you and
Pope John Paul II got
in common? You’re
both ugly and you’re both
failed actors.’
Having studied Italian and French at
oxford, she then trained as a
Montessori teacher, married an
osteopath and is now believed to be a
hypnotherapist in Surrey, practising
under another name.
She has kept out of the limelight
since her father’s death at the age of

  1. He was found floating in the
    Atlantic off the Canary Islands after he
    went missing in 1991 off his private
    yacht, named Lady Ghislaine after his
    youngest daughter.


Christine, 68, is one
of twins
CHrIStINe and her twin
sister Isabel made the
Sunday times rich List
in 1999 after amassing
their £100 million in the
dotcom boom.
She is the author of the
Dictionary of Perfect Spelling (a book
with 20,000 words aimed at secondary
school pupils) and is married to a
roger Malina, an astrophysicist at a
French university.
they have two sons and a daughter
and split their time between a
Spanish-style mansion overlooking
San Francisco and Aix-en-Provence
in the South of France.
In a rare interview in 1998 about her
then role on the Internet Society

PoSING in a Stars and Stripes bikini From Daniel Bates in New York
and a Christian Dior trench coat, this
is Ghislaine Maxwell at the height of
her alleged sex trafficking operation
with paedophile Jeffrey epstein.
Miss Maxwell, then aged 37, stands
straight on to the camera, showing her
slim figure and a suggestive smile in a
shoot which left assistants taken aback by
her ‘intensely sexual vibe’.
According to one source, Miss Maxwell
suggested wearing the bikini for the shoot
to promote Sotheby’s vintage fashion col-
lection. Meanwhile in another provocative

source said: ‘Ghislaine definitely had a
more risque side. She knew she had a good
body and she liked showing it off.’
the FbI is understood to want to speak
to Miss Maxwell, 57, following the death of
epstein, whom she dated in the 1990s. She
is accused in civil court documents of
helping to organise epstein’s alleged traf-
ficking as his madam, which she denies.
Meanwhile, epstein’s victims yesterday
vowed that their ‘quest for justice is just
getting started’ amid a scramble for his
$500million (£412million) estate.
Jennifer Araoz, who claims epstein
abused her when she was 14, said she had
‘the power of the law on my side’ to seize
assets to compensate his victims. Among
the assets her lawsuit seeks are epstein’s
£65million New York home and £14million
New Mexico ranch.
Miss Araoz wrote in the New York times:
‘I’m angry [epstein] won’t have to person-
ally answer to me in the court of law. but
my quest for justice is just getting started’.
Yesterday, epstein’s post-mortem exami-
nation reportedly showed ‘sustained mul-
tiple breaks’ to his neck bones including
one which usually occurs in homicide vic-
tims who have been strangled.
the official cause of epstein’s death is
still pending, said New York’s chief medi-
cal examiner.

‘Ghislaine had a
more risque side’

Posing for a

raunchy shoot,

prince’s pal

accused of being

Epstein’s ‘pimp’

Maxwell for a
in 1999.
Left: Behind
the scenes

photo taken as she prepared, Miss Max-
well sits in a chair wearing jeans and a
white bra, holding a dog on her lap.
the photos were shot in 1999 by which
time Miss Maxwell and epstein had alleg-
edly begun recruiting underage girls to
have sex with him.
the following year Miss Maxwell intro-
duced Prince Andrew to epstein.
Also in 2000, Miss Maxwell met Virginia
roberts, who claims she was flown to Lon-
don aged 17 to have sex with Andrew. He
vehemently denies the allegations, which
have been struck from the court record in
the US. Speaking about the photos, the

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