Daily Mail - 16.08.2019

(Marcin) #1

Page 32 Daily Mail, Friday, August 16, 2019

Video of IS

‘bloopers’ is

released by

rival jihadis

OUT-TAKES from Islamic State’s
propaganda videos have been
released by rival jihadis to
embarrass the terror group.
A media outfit linked to Al-
Qaeda wanted to undermine
the group in Yemen, according
to BBC Monitoring.
It comes as part of a feud
between the two jihadi factions
in the country.
The video, released by
Hidayah Media Production,
showcases ‘embarrassing’ out-
takes dropped from a video
produced by IS’s branch in
Yemen in 2017.
In the clip, an IS spokesman
can be seen folding and unfold-
ing a piece of paper several
times from his pocket as he
struggles to remember his
lines. Another man can be
heard in the background saying
‘stay calm’ and be ‘natural’.
After a number of stops and
starts, the spokesman is even-
tually told to place the paper in
front of where he is sitting so
he can read his lines.
The blooper reel was pub-
lished to mark the Islamic festi-
val of Eid al-Adha which many
Muslims celebrated on August
11, the BBC said. The production
company does not reveal how
it got hold of the footage.

By Larisa Brown
Defence and Security Editor

Mother knifed to death by

ex-boyfriend had warned

police about him 13 times

for two years, but when they
moved in together Cooper, 31,
became abusive and controlling.
Eventually, in January 2017, Miss
Stuart left and broke off their rela-
tionship, but Cooper continued to
threaten her constantly via text
messages and Facebook – in just
one day he bombarded her with
421 texts – repeatedly calling her a
‘whore’ and a ‘slut’.
In August 2017, Cooper lay in
wait while the mother-of-two
enjoyed a night out in Denbigh
before attacking her as she walked

home, repeatedly stabbing her
with a kitchen knife and kicking
her in the face. She died in hospi-
tal two days later.
Cooper was jailed for a minimum
of 31 years at Mold Crown Court in
March 2018 after being convicted
of the care worker’s murder.
Miss Stuart’s mother, Liz Griffiths,
56, told the BBC: ‘He just wouldn’t
leave her alone. He would text her
saying, “If I can’t have you,
nobody’s going to have you.”
‘They [the police] let Laura

down. If they’d actually spoken to
him, actually physically went and
spoken to him, I think maybe he
would have listened – you’d hope
that he would have listened.’
As officers had contact with Miss
Stuart in the run-up to her death,
after the trial North Wales Police
was referred to the watchdog, the
Independent Office for Police
Conduct (IOPC).
Its report, to be published today,
reveals that between August 2015
and August 2017 Miss Stuart had

reported Cooper to police 13 times,
but he was never arrested or ques-
tioned. A further five reports had
been made by worried relatives
and the ambulance service.
It states that, three days before
she was murdered, Miss Stuart
called police and said: ‘He’s
threatening to finish me for good
now. It’s getting beyond an abso-
lute joke. And... that I’ve got to
run. I’d better run.’
The report found that officers
failed to put enough safeguarding
measures in place to protect Miss
Stuart. They also failed to seize
Cooper’s phone or pursue a case
against him for harassment or
coercive and controlling behav-
iour, which carries a jail term.
North Wales Police has now
agreed to ensure frontline staff
receive training on domestic abuse,
controlling behaviour, stalking,
harassment and sexual violence.
Superintendent Nick Evans said:
‘We fully accept the findings of the
IOPC investigation and have been
working with them to improve our
operational response.
‘We are committed to doing all
we can to protect victims of
domestic abuse and bring offend-
ers to justice.’

A MOTHER murdered by her

abusive ex-boyfriend had warned

police he was threatening ‘to

finish her’ just days before she

was killed, it has emerged.
Laura Stuart, 33, reported Jason
Cooper to police 13 times for harass-
ment, domestic abuse, assault and
making threats to kill in the two
years before she died, an independent
report into police conduct found.
But officers failed to take her claims
seriously and, a few days after Miss Stu-
art’s final call to North Wales Police, she
was dead. The couple had been together

By Liz Hull

Abusive: Murderer Jason Cooper with victim Laura Stuart
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