Daily Mail - 16.08.2019

(Marcin) #1
Page 37

Sala crash

plane ‘had

£20k worth

of defects’

THE aircraft which crashed kill-
ing footballer Emiliano Sala
was previously so riddled with
faults that an engineer declared
it ‘not fit to be flown’.
Humphrey Penney was asked
to look at the Piper Malibu last
summer. He said it had ‘a lot of
problems’ that would have cost
up to £20,000 to fix.
Mr Penney, who is a licensed
engineer, spoke out after inves-
tigators suggested the crash
that killed Sala, 28, and pilot
David Ibbotson, 59, may have
been caused when poisonous
carbon monoxide leaked into
the cabin from a faulty exhaust.
Mr Penney said: ‘We had deep
concerns. We nearly took the
plane on but didn’t because
there were so many problems.’
He was asked to give a second
opinion on the aircraft last year
when it was taken to Sandtoft
Airport in Belton, Lincolnshire,
on behalf of the owner.
Mr Penney, who owns Sand-
toft, recalled his reaction –
‘Christ, this is awful’. He added:
‘We sent it to another organisa-
tion. I can’t comment on what
work was later done.’
Mr Penney is helping the inves-
tigation into the crash into the
Channel in January, shortly after
Sala signed for Cardiff City.

Daily Mail Reporter

Woman, 22,

lef t blind

in one eye

af ter using


to boil eggs

A WOMAN was left fearing for her
sight after her face was badly
burnt when two eggs she boiled in
a microwave exploded.
Instead of just putting the eggs in a
pan, Bethany Rosser had turned to
Google for cooking instructions – and
was advised it was safe to
microwave the eggs in water as
long as she added salt.
The 22-year-old insurer let the
shelled eggs cool after cooking
them in a jug for six minutes at
600W, as per guidelines on popular
recipe website Delish.
But as she looked into the jug to
check on them, the eggs exploded,
burning the right side of her face.
She dialled 999 and was rushed to
the burns unit at Queen Elizabeth
Hospital in Birmingham, where
wet bandages were applied.
Doctors cannot yet say whether
permanent damage has been done
to her right eye because it has

sealed shut by the swelling. Miss
Rosser, from Redditch, Worcester-
shire, said she feels ‘okay but nerv-
ous’ as she is not sure if she will be
able to see out of the eye.
She added: ‘I was making break-
fast before work, and I Googled to
see if you could make boiled eggs
in the microwave. There are end-
less websites and YouTube videos
which say you can.
‘The one I read, though, was the
set of instructions on Delish... It
said that you could microwave the
eggs as long as you add salt. Once
I’d taken them out and shut the
microwave door, they just burst all

of a sudden. I was on my own, so I
called 999, who sent an ambulance
while I was running cold water and
splashing it on my face... I could
see my skin peeling off. It felt
Hospital staff advised Miss
Rosser that the burns won’t scar
but she can expect long-term skin
discolouration. ‘And to think the
damage is to my face and my eye.
The main focus of anybody is their
face, and now I risk scars and
potentially damaged vision – over
eggs,’ she said.
Miss Rosser added that the
instructions she followed on Delish

said eggs can be boiled in the
microwave by placing them in a
suitable bowl and covering them
in water for six to eight minutes.
The site advises that salt be added
to ‘ensure that the egg won’t
explode’. It goes on: ‘We’re talking
volcanic hot egg pieces and sharp
bits of shell flying everywhere.’
The Royal Society for the Pre-
vention of Accidents advises never
cooking an egg in its shell in the
microwave. SpokesmanAshley
Martin said: ‘Be careful where you
get your cookery advice.’
Delish did not respond to a
request for comment.

Fear: Miss Rosser’s eye is still closed

Daily Mail Reporter

Online advice: Bethany Rosser

Daily Mail, Friday, August 16, 2019

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