Daily Mail - 16.08.2019

(Marcin) #1

Page 38 Daily Mail, Friday, August 16, 2019

Sir Trevor’s daughter

shows she’s Daddy’s Girl

with Les Mis tantrum


musical ding
dong! The
daughter of the-
atre impresario
sir Trevor Nunn
has reignited the feud
between her father and
West End producer sir
cameron macintosh over
his revival of les mis.
actress Ellie Nunn, 28, has
blasted mackintosh as ‘greedy’
for billing the show, which
opens in December, as a new
production, despite using the
publicity material from the
original which opened in 1985,
co-directed by sir Trevor.
she says: ‘all the love and
support to everyone who ever
works on this new production,
truly, but also F***. Right. Off.
How dare cameron mackin-
tosh use the same publicity

image if he is calling this a “new
production”. The handling of
this entire situation has been
revolting. To erase the entire
original creative team but use
the publicity of all their hard

work to sell your show. i’m
heartbroken at this replace-
ment that came from nothing
but greed.’
a spokesman for sir cameron
tells me: ‘The “publicity image”

of the child cosette for the
musical les miserables was
created by the artist Emile
Bayard as one of his illustra-
tions for the first publication of
Victor Hugo’s novel in 1862.
‘it was adapted by cameron
mackintosh for the production
in london in 1985.
‘Further adaptations and ver-
sions of this image have been
used ever since on many differ-
ent productions of the show
around the world.’
The row between the theatri-
cal knights first erupted in 2010
over mackintosh’s 25th anni-
versary production of les mis,
which didn’t involve Nunn.
at the time sir Trevor con-
fessed: ‘We are profoundly
unhappy and we feel pro-
foundly betrayed.’
Now it seems Ellie, whose
mother is actress imogen
stubbs, has taken on her
father’s crusade.

Protective: Theatre impresario Nunn and actress Ellie

Prime Suspect creator Lynda La Plante
has attacked the standard of modern crime
dramas. La Plante, 76, says: ‘So many times
when i’m watching TV crime dramas, i think,
“That wouldn’t happen.” You can’t have a
toxicology report in ten minutes, it takes two
to three weeks. And it’s just not possible for
high-ranking police officers to be as young as
some of the cast are. The way i see it, if i
respect police and forensic teams by ensuring
my books are as true to life as possible, then
they’ll respect my work in return.’

Why acting with

Tom can be a pain

in the backside...

TOM HIDDLESTON, currently wowing
Broadway in Harold Pinter’s Betrayal,
says tensions that play out in the play’s
acidic depiction of an illicit affair spilled
over into a game of squash with a
fellow cast member.
‘It was very instructive, playing
squash,’ The Night Manager star
reveals. ‘Some of those
scenes, the competition is
in the subtext, the bru-
tality to each other is
underneath it while
they’re being civil on
the surface.
‘After we played
squash, those scenes
played themselves.’
Betrayal actor Charlie
Cox bears the scars
— and has
a buttock
injury from
their last
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