Daily Mail - 16.08.2019

(Marcin) #1
Page 60 Daily Mail, Friday, August 16, 2019

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MERCURY, leaving the shadow
under yesterday’s Full Moon,
is now making an exciting
link with Uranus. It suggests
that instead of continually
checking calculations and
clearing up confusion, we can
take care of decisions we’ve

been waiting to implement.
With Mars entering Virgo
this weekend, there’s a sense
that playtime may soon be
over. Yet even exciting games
lose their fascination. Now
we can tackle something
more worthwhile.





that when we’re feeling uncertain and fed
up, it can take a similarly proportioned
amount of good news to override negative
emotions. If you channel your positive
energy, you can transform a situation this
weekend. Wonderful opportunities arise as
the celestial energies energise your life. For
great news, call 0906 751 5604.
IT WILL come as
no surprise to you
to hear that if it’s not one thing, it will be
something else. It’s always like that. Earth
seems to be full of people who can’t leave
things as they are — and, for one reason or
another, you seem to be the person they
choose to contact to sort things out. That’s
why this weekend looks so complicated;
you’ve got so many issues to deal with and
most of them aren’t yours. Yet without
them, life would be less interesting. Chaos
sometimes leads to calm... as you’re about
to see. Want to hear some priceless
information about your week? Just pick up
the phone! Call 0906 751 5605.
suffering from
niggling frustrations, it’s time to get rid of
them. If you’re feeling anxious or reluctant,
prepare for a change of approach. Rather
than focusing on the stick this weekend, set
your sights firmly on the carrot. Allow yourself
to be seduced by the promise of positive
possibilities, because as Mars moves into your
sign, it empowers you to move past anything
getting in the way of your goal. Concentrate
on whatever promises the richest rewards...
because they’re within reach. With Mars,
Venus and the Sun coming your way, give
yourself the best present ever. For priceless
insight. Call 0906 751 5606.

YOU don’t make
promises lightly
and you do your best to honour your
commitments. Every now and then,
however, these virtues work to your
disadvantage; these are the times when you
dedicate yourself to fulfilling a promise that
no one is interested or invested in. This
weekend, don’t be tempted to plough your
efforts into a task when doing ‘enough’ is
more than sufficient. Although you’re used
to multi-tasking, even a super-human can’t
achieve everything. Know where your
priorities lie. Your week-ahead forecast is
jam-packed full of important news. For an
in-depth guide, call 0906 751 5601.

be eternally
grateful for the fact that our heads and our
hearts have very different ways of looking at
life. Given carte blanche, our heads would
choose to take us on logical journeys in the
pursuit of everything that appears to be
sensible. Our hearts would idealistically
pursue purity no matter how hard the route.
This weekend, be guided by both. Although it’s
not always easy to find a compromise, it’s
possible to find one... and balance will bring
the harmony you desire. Lift your spirits.
Change your life! Your four-minute,
week-ahead forecast has important news.
Call 0906 751 5602.

the things that are thwarting and frustrating
you, try celebrating them instead. I don’t
want to invalidate your concerns and
criticisms, but imagine what life would be
like if you didn’t have them. You were lucky
enough to be born with a sharp and incisive
mind that puts two and two together in a
flash. You see through deceit like a laser.
Not everyone is so fortunate. This weekend,
as Mercury moves out of the shadow, you
can put those gifts to good use in pursuit of
an exciting possibility. Your week-ahead,
in-depth forecast could be one of the most
rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5603.

positivity is
injected into a neutral environment, the
effect will be palpable. Minds will open, ideas
will be shared and an aura of energy and
excitement will prevail. In such circumstances,
it takes a great deal of negative energy to
burst the bubble of positivity. Yet it’s also true

you prefer —
harmony, compassion and understanding or
anger, resentment and revenge? There are
times when our experience of life seems to
give us so much of one side of these aspects
that we completely forget about the other.
The danger is that we can become fixated
and stuck in one particular psychological
state. Although intense responses are
sometimes appropriate, there are other
times when they should be avoided. This
weekend, happy thoughts will create happy
situations. To hear how your life could
significantly change for the better, call your
latest week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5607.
THEY say
that ‘the
best things in life are free’. But is that true?
When you think about it, some of the best
things seem to come with a very high price
tag. If we were talking only about money, it
would be one thing. But often the ‘price’ we
pay has more insidious consequences; we pay
a price in terms of our time and energy, too.
There is something in your life that you are
very keen to have. This weekend, as Mars
changes signs, you’ll realise that it’s much
easier to get than you think. You can ‘afford’
it. Lift your spirits. Change your life! Your
four-minute, week-ahead forecast has
important news. Call 0906 751 5608.
we find
anything we’ve lost, it always turns out to
be in the same place — the last place we
looked! Missions continue until they have
fulfilled their purpose. Dramas are
sustained until the players involved in them
become tired of acting out their parts. This

weekend, you can encourage the ending of
a stressful scenario simply by refusing to
continue to take part in the spectacle. If
you stop, you’ll break the cycle and other
folk will stop, too. Your ability to influence
others is key. Do yourself a favour; treat
yourself! There’s exciting news in your
four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.
WHO in
your life
is trustworthy and who is not? Whose words
of wisdom do you trust and who seems to
speak without a modicum of common sense?
The answers to these questions aren’t as
straightforward as you might think. While it’s
true that we can fritter away too much time
heeding ill-informed advice, it’s possible to
overlook valuable information because it’s
coming from an unlikely source. This weekend,
if you take a look at your long-trusted
assumptions, you’ll find surprisingly insightful
advice. Just four minutes on the phone
could change your life. For your latest
week-ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5610.
an ancient
myth that tells a story about how one special
human being has ultimate power over the
destiny of the world. According to the
legend, this person has no idea of their
importance. Although they may have a
feeling they’re leading a charmed life, they
have no concept of the immensity of their
value. Even if you’re not the one with such a
destiny, you have magic available to you this
weekend, and are capable of transforming
a situation. If you focus on what you can do,
you’ll succeed. In a week of celestial creativity,
you can transform your life. For your
week-ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5611.
THE difference
theory and practice is complicated. The two
are more like different teams in a tug of war
than opposite sides of the same coin. Even if
the relationship between them seems helpful,
their conflicting natures become apparent.
Some folk find the theoretical side more
appealing; it tends to be seen as the underdog
— always going to lose out to reality in the
end. Others reject reality, even when it’s
staring them in the face. This weekend, you
need to find out which side someone close
to you is on. Creative and inspiring times
lie ahead for you. Make the most of this
astrological opportunity. Call 0906 751 5612.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

CANCER June 23 - July 23

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

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hasn’t set foot in
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Now, she wants to
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her home and uncover
the secret of her
parentage. Who was her
father, and why would
her mother never talk
about him?
Jo arrives the day
after the Luftwaffe
has bombed the
town, destroying the
local pub. As rescue
teams search for the
remains of the seven

people known to have
been in the building at
the time the bomb hit,

they are shocked
to uncover eight bodies
in the rubble.
The eighth, unidentified,
body is that of a teenage
girl, whom no one in the
town claims to know.
Who is she and how did
she get there?
Teaming up with local
coroner and old friend
Bram Nash, Jo sets out
to establish the identity
of the girl and solve the
riddle of her death.
In doing so, she also
uncovers her own
personal mystery.
Everyone has secrets
— some are just more
deadly than others.


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