Daily Mail - 16.08.2019

(Marcin) #1

Daily Mail, Friday, August 16, 2019 Page 63

WHAT is the Duchess of Cambridge saying to
Princess Charlotte during the King’s Cup
regatta at Cowes? Our weekly picture feature
offers you the chance to write an amusing
caption in the speech bubble in the picture.
Staple, glue or tape it to a postcard and send it
to: Caption Contest (989), Daily Mail, 2 Derry
Street, London W8 5TT, or email your caption to
[email protected] to arrive by Thursday,
August 22, 2019.
The writer of the
caption judged the
best wins a £20
book token.

n THIS week’s
winner is Ron
Mills, of Lincoln,
who has Ben
Foden saying as
he reveals he has
married Jackie
Belanoff Smith, his
girlfriend of
two weeks:
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THIS week’s winner is Mark Haggerstone, of Swindon,
Wilts, who defended shop assistants. He wins our Letter
Of The Week Magic Mug, courtesy of Printer Pix. These
reveal our Daily Mail Letter Of The Week design when hot.
To create personalised photo gifts (right), visit
printerpix.co.uk. The Letters Editor will announce the
Letter Of The Week each Friday. Write to: Daily Mail,
Letters, 2 Derry Street, Kensington, London, W8 5TT, email


[email protected] or fax
on 020 7937 7493, with your
address and number.

du Beke to replace the depart-
ing Darcey Bussell on the
judges’ panel because he has
wit, charm and expertise. But
the BBC has appointed a
sister of one of the dancers —
surely that’s nepotism. It’s
sad that a much-loved show
has been turned into a danc-
ing version of Love Island.
Southsea, Hants.

Flip-flop MPs
How can it be democratic for
the likes of Sarah wollaston,
Anna Soubry and other MPs
who were supposed to
represent constituencies that
voted Leave to swap parties
and vote against the will of
the people?
Even worse is that in
constituencies that over-

whelmingly returned a
Conservative candidate, their
MP has changed allegiance
and will have to follow a party
line that will mean voting to
bring down the Government.
If MPs choose to switch
political parties, they should
automatically have to fight
a by-election.
B. A. PeLL,
Saltburn, N. Yorks.

engineer. However, is there
any more important role than
being a mother? Presumably,
if it were a picture of a man
sitting by a pram, this would
satisfy the politically correct.
Freedom of speech and
thought are being engineered
out of existence by the
chattering classes.
Portishead, Somerset.

Strictly no thanks
SADLY, I will not be watching
the new series of Strictly
Come Dancing.
I’ve enjoyed musical director
Dave Arch, the wonderful
singers and all the joy gener-
ated by what was originally
good entertainment.
It is meant to be family
entertainment, but has turned
into a tawdry, tacky reality
show. Most fans wanted Anton


Charming: Pete Anderson

HAVe you lost a relative or friend in recent
months whose life you’d like to celebrate?
Our Friday column tells the stories of
ordinary people who lived extraordinary

lives. email your 350-word tribute to: lives@
dailymail.co.uk or write to: extraordinary
Lives, Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8
5TT. Please include a contact phone number.

sadly, due mostly to Pete’s
condition and his inability to
cope at times, the marriage
broke down.
When his life was under
control, Pete was the most
fun-loving person you could
meet. He used to help out at
a pub, clearing away the
glasses. There was a party
there once at which the
pre-arranged kissogram
had failed to turn up, so Pete
took on the role, to
everyone’s amusement. He
raised money for charity by
dressing up in odd costumes
or shaving his head.
Whatever was called for, he
was happy to help, even if it
meant playing the fool. It

was at the pub that he met
Angela, a single mum with a
small son called Josh.
They lived a simple and
relatively happy family life,
and Pete grew to love Josh
as his own son. But on New
Year’s Eve, when Josh was
just 17 and possibly
depressed because of girl
trouble, he took his own life.
Pete and Angela were grief-
stricken. Somehow they
managed to carry on — they
still had each other.
Three years ago, Pete began
having trouble walking and
using his hands.
He was diagnosed with
motor neurone disease. He
got steadily worse until he

was confined to a
wheelchair, but he never
complained. He often
reminisced about happier
times when we were
children. I caught him
crying once and he said he’d
dreamt of Dad pushing him,
in a wheelbarrow, around
our allotment as Mam
picked flowers.
As he was dying, our sister
Carol cradled him and we
told him we loved him.
Pete could no longer speak,
but he looked up and
winked at us.
ANDeRSON, born October 4,
1954; died October 6, 2018,
aged 64.

Mr Woke Green? He’s

a jet-set eco warrior!

I HAVE been fortunate to secure an
exclusive interview with woke Green,
the leading British environmentalist
and climate campaigner.
He practises what he preaches in order
to avert the climate emergency and the
end of the world, which he says is
barely 18 months away.
‘only enemies of the planet fly long
haul. would you?’ he asked me.
I confirmed I wouldn’t and had, in fact,
walked to our interview.
‘obviously, if I am invited to a climate
rally overseas, then none of that
counts,’ woke told me. ‘My flying emits
activist designer Co 2 , which is different
to the ordinary stuff. As a wACC, I’m
more worried about ordinary people
being hypocrites, not celebs.’
‘wACC?’ I queried.
‘woke Activist Climate Campaigner. As
a wACC, you restrict your coffee
consumption to one cup a week in
recognition of the huge EECs involved.’
‘EEC?’ I interrupted.
He frowned: ‘Environmental and
Ethical Considerations. There are huge
issues with practically everything you
eat, drink, walk on, sleep in, wear, grow
and travel to.
‘For your weekly coffee, take your own
cup to the cafe and ask the barista for
photographic evidence of how they
dispose of their coffee grounds without
making the planet cry in pain.
‘Most activists don’t. Fake greenies I
call them — the metropolitan middle

class with double standards and a
taste for skinny flat white lattes.’
He shook his head sadly, before adding:
‘Cows have had it their own way too
long. They will be retrained to produce
soya milk. we must change our lives
completely and return to the climatic
conditions of pre-industrial times.
Living in poverty, tilling the soil, having
rickets and dying at 35 of hypothermia
may not be good for you, but it’s good
for the planet.’ ‘Rickets?’ I queried.

‘It’s a small plough,’ he said vaguely.
‘If you are worried about global
warming.. .’ he broke off and looked at
me suspiciously. ‘You are, aren’t you?’
‘Every time I get my heating bill,’ I
assured him.
‘Those middle-class climate activists
declaring Co 2 -related climate
emergencies to force fundamental
changes to lifestyles at vast cost while
achieving temperature reductions too
small to be measured obviously need to
practise what they preach.
‘Have they got rid of their cars? Always
walk, cycle or use buses and trains?
Given up flying, milk and cheese? Don’t
use environment-destroying
smartphones or cotton or consume
coffee and beef? Drink tap water rather
than stuff in plastic bottles? Are
vegan? Shop locally for local food in
season? Minimise their use of the
energy-guzzling internet, social media
and computers? Have they
permanently turned off their central
heating and removed their cookers?
Thrown out the tumble dryer? The list
of things ordinary people shouldn’t do
is endless.’
He looked at his watch. ‘Sorry, that’s
the end of the interview. I need to
catch my plane to Mexico to attend a
climate conference where I hope to
inspire millions more people to commit
economic suicide.’
Torquay, Devon.

Taking a stand: Genuine protesters
on an Extinction Rebellion march

When I said I’d give
you a ring in a couple
of weeks, I meant
on the phone

Picture: PA

Picture: JOE DUNNE
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