Domus IN 201903

(Nandana) #1

This page and opposite
page, bottom: the project
After Oil (2016) portrays
a future of the Persian
Gulf when the world has
transitioned away from
fossil fuels.
Above: Das Island, Das
Crude. The section shows
the increasing heights
of architectural landmarks
in relation to the depths
and geological periods
reached by the extraction
of subsurface gas and
oil fields

Left: Strait of Hormuz
Grand Chessboard.
Oil futures gameboard
where players buy and
trade iconic speculative
projects. Opposite page,
bottom: the image
of the city as seen from
the offshore territory
Team: Rania Ghosn,
El Hadi Jazairy, Namjoo
Kim, Hsin-Han Lee, Rawan
Al-Saffar, Kartiki Sharma,
Jia Weng, Sihao Xiong
Opposite page, top:
the cover of the book
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