Chat It’s Fate – September 2019

(Michael S) #1
it’s fateit’s fate

Regression expert


Dear Jenny


veryone dislikes
being cold, but with
me it’s worse than that.
If I get just that little
tingle of icy cold on my
eyes, I start to panic.
I have to run indoors
to warmth, or I start to
shake and shiver far
more than the chill can
explain. Can you help
me or do I have to fl ee
to Spain to live!
Carmen, 24,

Cold hole
Your name is Alexey.
It’s 1940 and you’re a
Russian soldier serving
on the Finnish front.
You’re told to dig a
‘foxhole’ to keep you
out of sight of the
enemy. At fi rst, the
digging keeps you
warm, as the frozen
ground resists your
attempts until you get
below the frost line. You

Titanic panic

Do you have trouble ‘switching off’
in order to meditate? Jenny digitally
paints channelled meditation
mandalas specifically for you. You
just stare into the image and take
flight into a spiritual connection with
your guides. See all Jenny’s paintings
on her website


Meditation mandalas


n a past life Stormzy was Alexander
the Great, who aged just 12 led his
army to the very edge of the known
world. If he hadn’t died young he would
have changed the world because he
was so ruthless yet inspirational. So
Stormzy is sometimes sad
because he wishes he
had used his power
more wisely, and he
hides his sorrow, except
in his songs, to
appear as what
he once was,
probably the
bravest, if not
the most moral,
man in history.


f you’re scared of drowning, it’s sometimes suggested
that you died on the Titanic. Past life therapists can
inadvertently lead you to that conclusion, but it’s usually
the wrong one. It’s the most famous example of mass
drowning, made romantic by fi lms about it - but actually
only 1,500 people died. That seems a lot, but the MV
Wilhelm Gustloff , which was used to evacuate German
soldiers and civilians in WWII, was hit by torpedoes, and
sank with an estimated 9,400 people. Though tragedies
like the Titanic are better known, the disaster that befell
the MV Wilhelm Gustloff is the most fatal incident to
ever occur at sea, so if you fear drowning it’s much more
likely, if less romantic, that you died on the Gustloff.


Jenny says:
Like a lot of fears that are
brought forward from past
lives, it isn’t the exact moment
of death that haunts you
but the things that occurred
before. Try and think clearly.
Ask yourself if you’re really
cold enough to actually
freeze, and don’t panic. In
time, you’ll feel this less.

Carmen says:
That explains why I feel the
cold on my eyes and why it
terrifi es me!

for hours,
to remove
clothing, as
what you’re
wearing gets soaked
with perspiration.

Bite of frost
Hours later, shivering
in your foxhole, fully
clothed, you’re literally
freezing. The clothes
you’ve been issued
aren’t enough for the
climate. You’ve heard
that frostbite fi rst
attacks the fi ngers
and toes, so you and
your one comrade, try
desperately to keep
your hands covered
and your toes moving.
Little do you know that
it’s often the eyelids
that actually often get
frostbitten fi rst....

Unbelievable horror
You realise you can’t
close your eyes. Horror

strikes you and you rub at
your eyes trying to release
the eyelids. Your eyelids
fl utter to the ground, the
frozen skin just breaking off.
The short time you have left
is full of such horrors until
you drift into endless sleep.


Explore the past

Jenny Smedley



Images: Alamy

Past life expert and therapist Jenny Smedley

resolves problems by delving into former lives

with the help of her own past life spirit.

Free download pdf