Chat It’s Fate – September 2019

(Michael S) #1
it’s fateit’s fate

Aura expert

Dear Katie


’d like guidance on
my health, as I’ve
been very anxious
lately. My favourite
colours in order are
green, red, yellow.
Jessica, 33,

Dear Jessica
The fact that green is one of your favourite
colours shows that you strive for a feeling of
balance, and that you’ve got the necessary
skills to cope with adversity. Watch your
impatience levels, as the red shows that you
can get frustrated and angry when things
don’t happen quickly enough. The yellow
will bring optimism and mental clarity, but
can be anxiety-producing if there’s too much.
Balance it with more calming green.




Dear Katie


’d like to connect
with my spirit
guide so that I can
develop my abilities
with energy work
and also unlock
my own spiritual
development to
promote personal
Rhia, 33, Loddon

Katie paints

your spirit guide


Dear Katie


y dog Tia is a
very nervous and anxious
dog. Is there anything I can do
to help her?
Lesley, 48, Plymouth

Dear Lesley
Tia is such a sensitive dog. She has
turquoise in her aura which shows this,
but she also has rainbow stripes which
show that this is her fi rst incarnation
on Earth. Combine these two things
together and you can see why she’s
so anxious. Give her the space she
needs to feel safe, but ensure she
knows you’re close by. Get down on
her level a short space away and use
encouragement to get her to come to
you, rewarding her when she
does. Try to avoid crowded
areas and give her
lots of positive
The safer
she feels,
the calmer
she will be.

Dear Katie


’m struggling to move
through a fear barrier
and push my business
forward. I have a lot of
money blocks. I want to
overcome this but I’m not
sure what to do next.
Jess, 25, Norwich

Dear Rhia
Your spirit guide is a woman named
Alexandra who lived in France in the
19th century. An explorer and writer,
she travelled to the remote corners of
the world - unheard of for women at
that time. She visited Tibet, which was
forbidden for foreign travellers, and
bought knowledge of Buddhism to the
West. She is with you to encourage
you to explore your spirituality, but
also to show you to trust your heart
and inner guidance.

Dear Jess
Selenite keeps things moving. It really
allows space for your true wealth to
come fl ooding in. Rose quartz helps
you to bring in abundance by learning
self-love, self-empowerment and self-
trust. Finally, citrine helps you to fi nd
your happiness so that wealth and
abundance will follow.

Dear Katie


fter losing three close family members
in 18 months, I feel like my aura needs
cleansing. My chakras, especially my throat,
are blocked (I’ve lost my voice repeatedly).
Deborah, 34, Londonderry, Northern Ireland

Dear Deborah
I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve been
through. There are thick bands of dark green
and blue in your aura, which reveal your fear
of the future and feeling as though you’re
under attack. There’s also a grey area
around your throat, which shows a build-
up of fear here. This can come from a
fear of speaking your truth, but it can
lead to health problems if the blockage
isn’t cleared. On the positive side,
there’s also a bright blue underneath
the fear that says the future looks
brighter for you.




Katie Oman

Lightworker Katie Oman is the author of

new book Happiness: Make Your Soul Smile

and our resident colour therapist!

Got a question for Katie? Email [email protected]. Katie gives readings via



Images: SWNS and Alamy

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