Chat It’s Fate – September 2019

(Michael S) #1



haw someone’s heart with
this simple ritual which
works with ice to get to the
heart of the matter and repair
fractured relationships.

Chill out
Take a pink or yellow rose petal
and pop into an ice cube mould,
then fi ll with water and freeze.
For a love relationship, use the
pink petal, and for friendships
and family members, opt for yellow.
Once the ice is solid, remove it from
the freezer and pop on a dish on the
window sill, under the sun’s rays. Say,
‘As the ice melts, so does your heart.
All rifts forgotten, no longer apart.’ Let
the ice melt naturally. As you pour the
water away, repeat the magical
mantra and visualise both of you
together in a warm embrace.
Take the petal outside
and release it into
the breeze.



he Ice Age may be long gone, but ice
was still important to our ancestors, who
honoured its magnifi cence and mystical
powers by worshiping an array of
ice-inspired deities.

In Scottish mythology, Beira was a
one-eyed giantess with white hair and
deep blue skin. Often referred to as the
Queen of Winter, she is associated with ice
and snow.

This beautiful Greek
goddess of snow and ice
was the daughter of the
North Wind, Boreas. She
had a son with the Greek
god Poseidon, but cast
him into the sea, in fear of
her father’s wrath. Luckily
Poseidon saved him. Some
tales refer to her as a
pale-skinned snow nymph.

Norse goddess Skadi is associated with
ice, snow and the wilderness. A powerful
giantess, she represents honour and
courage. Living high in the icy mountains,
Skadi paved her own path and was known
for standing up to the other gods.


Did you know?

You probably
know that the eskimos
have over 100 words for
snow – well, the same is
true of ice! Arctic and
Antarctic sea ice is known
as brash, frazil, nilas,
and pancake ice, to
name but a few!


ain water has powerful
cleansing properties, and can be
used to brighten the aura, the
body’s energy fi eld. Combine this
with the energising effects of
super-chilled ice, and you’ve got an
effective yet simple technique to
boost personal power.

Chill out
It may be the height of summer,
but that doesn’t mean we won’t
experience a few showers. The next

time it rains, take out a small bowl
and collect some of the water.
When it’s full, take it inside and add
the juice of a lemon, which also
purifi es and strengthens. Mix and
pour into ice cube moulds, then
freeze. Whenever you’re in the need
of a power boost, take one of the
magically infused cubes and either
pop in a drink, add to your bath
water, or gently rub over the centre
of your forehead, and the inside of
each wrist.
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