Chat It’s Fate – September 2019

(Michael S) #1

Did you know?


im Carrey may be best
known for his funny

guy roles in The Mask
and Dumb and Dumber,

but he’s one of the most

spiritually awakened
celebrities. After

waking up one day, he

stated that he suddenly realised that
‘thought was an illusory thing.’ He shares

his wisdom by giving talks and lectures

round the world and on YouTube.

A rude awakening!


s I unrolled my sleeping bag, I
was looking forward to my
retreat in a tipi with medicine
woman Georgia Jenkins
I’ve been fascinated by all things
spiritual since I was small. However,
I’d never done a spirit quest and I had
no idea what to expect.
Our fi rst activity was a card reading.
Georgia said I was a ‘Wisdom
Keeper’ who could draw on
spiritual knowledge
from past lives.
I was fl attered but
not freaked out. I’ve
had vivid dreams
about past lives in
places like Venice
and France. Again,
I’d never thought
too much of it,
After a ceremony
to break soul
contracts, saying
affi rmations to cut ties in
the present and past,
Georgia gave me healing. Then
we said goodnight.

Within 10 minutes I was shaking
despite lying next to a fi re.
An hour later, the shaking was so
violent I couldn’t hold a cup.
Outside the tipi the
shaking stopped, inside it
started again.
I found Georgia, who
said my body was healing
itself and my chakras
were being charged.
It was a long night and I
didn’t know if I could
continue. But by taking
respite every hour outside
in the woods, I somehow
managed to battle on.
At 4am I saw a fi gure poking the fi re
in the darkness. I thought
it was Georgia

  • until I spotted
    her asleep and
    the fi gure
    Finally, I fell
    asleep and
    dreamt I was part
    of a huge wheel
    spinning round,
    connected to the
    Earth, the
    Universe and
    other souls.
    The dream was
    vivid and powerful.
    I’ll never forget it.
    In the morning,
    Georgia said the
    fi gure was my spirit
    guide keeping me

warm. I felt
comforted by the
Nine years have
passed since this

Yoga teacher
I’ve since trained to
be a yoga teacher and
I’ve explored my
spirituality in more depth
Through my studies, I’ve
realised that the shaking was a sign of
spiritual awakening.
Some people call this particular
energy ‘kundalini,’ which is the
universal life force that resides at the
base of the spine.
Since my ‘awakening’, I try to live
my life from a place of
openness, trusting that the
experiences that come up,
good and bad, are for my
soul’s development.
But I’m not spiritually
enlightened. That’s still a
long way off.
I’m still on the path of
discovery, just like
everyone else.
The tipi experience was just a step
forward on my journey.

Monica Cafferky, 49, from
Huddersfield, West Yorkshire

If you have sudden changes to
perception (vision, hearing) or
sensation (tingling, numbness) or pain,
it’s important to see a doctor to rule
out any neurological cause. Also be
aware that lightheadedness, tingling
and shaking can be symptoms
of other physical conditions, so if
symptoms persist, see a doctor.

  1. Heightened senses
    Your sense of smell or hearing may be
    stronger. You might be seeing auras
    around people or plants or even glittery
    particles or lights. Colours may appear
    more vivid or your vision may be hazy.
    Advice: You’re viewing the world
    through ‘new eyes’ so don’t be
    frightened. Yawning (taking in more
    breath) can help calm things if the
    sensations become too much.

  2. Body shaking
    You may experience mild tingling, like
    electricity through your body, trembling
    or violent shaking.
    Advice: Breathe more deeply, stop
    meditating or yoga practice for a while.
    If the shaking becomes too much,
    contact a Kundalini yoga teacher via for help and

  3. A sense of oneness
    Feeling a sense of oneness
    with other people, the
    planet and/or animals.
    Advice: People
    around you
    may not
    what you’re
    going through.
    Don’t push them
    too hard, you now
    understand life
    from another level.

I was shaking

so violently

that I couldn’t

hold a cup




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